Monday, June 23, 2008

What a Weekend!

What a great time we had yesterday morning at church. God is so GOOD! I also want to take time to thank everyone who helps make Sunday morning what it is. Without Sunday school teachers, childrens church workers, nursery workers, worship team members, sound room and computer operators, ushers, greeters, the hospitality corner, those who lock up, and those who do things that are unnoticed (but never unappreciated) where would the church be? Keep praying as we pursue seeing everyone involved somewhere. What ever you are passionate about, we want to see you minister in.

I also wanted to say it was refreshing to watch the Disney movie "Camp Rock" with my family. Isaiah loved the music in the movie and would get up and dance and play his ball popper which is his guitar at home. It was a good clean movie with an excellent message of being yourself and not putting on a show just to try and fit in.

1 comment:

Debby F. said...

Hi PC!

I agree with you! That was an amazing service yesterday! It was really exciting to have extra kids in my Sunday School class too. I appreciate your thoughtful words about the various ministries people serve in at church. It's truly a blessing and an honor to be used by God in that way. We need everyone.

It's exciting how God is moving at NLC! I can hardly wait from one Sunday to the next! I'm encouraged by the way people stay after church, rather than leaving. Sundays have become such a joyful time of fellowship, nobody seems to want to leave. - And that's a good thing! :)