Saturday, April 25, 2009

MCM Ministry School

If you are graduating this year or have graduated (it doesn't have to be recently) and have a desire to minister or experience ministry training like they did in the book of Acts, then this school is for you. I encourage you to read on and click on the links to find out more information about a great opportunity to be trained for ministry. They are now accepting applications for the Fall semester. Check it out!

The MCM Ministry School is designed to provide a prospective student not only with classroom training but with real life experiences in ministry. Every day we involve students in our PRAYER SCHOOL. Once a week, we engage in PRACTICAL COMMUNITY OUTREACH in connection with one of eight churches (The MCM Network) that have been planted in Pittsburgh. Once a year, the students participate in an INTERNATIONAL TRIP to work in partnership with Mission SOS in a Signs and Wonders Festival among UNREACHED PEOPLE'S GROUPS. The passion of the MCM Ministry School is to raise up faith-filled adventurers who are committed to living out the supernatural lifestyle of the book of Acts. The practical experiences come in the context of a growing church that is actively planting churches and sending teams to reach unreached people groups. All the information and detials are on the NEW MCM Ministry School Website. We are hosting an OPEN CLASS DAY on May 8th from 9am to noon for anyone who is interested. Everything takes place out of Allison Park Church.

1 comment:

Ministry school said...

This sounds really good!