Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Baby Jesus at Dollar Tree

I know that celebrating Christmas has become a battle in todays culture. But maybe it has been a battle for far longer than we might think. Christmas is all about Jesus. But through the years we (Christians) have turned it into a "Wants" list for things that we don't really need, just like the world. Now that it is turning into Happy Holidays we all get upset, but shouldn't we be upset at what it was turned into years ago? I'm not putting down getting gifts or buying gifts for others, I enjoy those things, but when I'm buying a gift for someone I really have to ask myself is this a want or an absolute need or just something to buy for someone to continue to fill their toy box or closet. I'm not saying this to be a Scrooge or anything, just questions that I struggle with in todays culture. I would rather give to missions and to causes that really have a need for money so that they can reach out to those who are hurting and desperate. What do you think?

On another note... Debby Fazekas just shared with me about buying a Nativity set at Dollar Tree and how she was so excited to find one so nice there. The store clerk was smiling at her and asking her some questions and the others in line behind her were smiling as well at her joy of finding Baby Jesus in the Dollar Tree. She really felt that it was a divine moment. That is something to get excited about. Praise the Lord for opportunities like that. May all of us have many experiences like that this Christmas season.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Bum Leg

Yesterday my sermon was titled Bum Leg. It was all about the discipleship process and being a servant. We went on a journey through scripture looking at what Jesus tells us about servanthood. I tied it into being a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1) and then looked at Malachi 1 where God tells the people that they have been offering sick and diseased animals to Him.

Sometimes we offer God a bum leg instead of our entire being. We can be unwilling to truly be a servant to all, all the time. But that is exactly what He is calling us to be. It starts with the leaders and moves to all. Because there is no prestige when you serve in the kingdom. We are equal and God has called us all to do our part as His servant. There is no ladder of success, there is only growing in grace, mercy, and love.

Let's get back to what made the kingdom of God attractive to others in the New Testament times, the willingness of the apostles to serve everyone around them. Check out Titus 2:9-10. And be encouraged! We are on the right track, we just need God's grace and mercy and His continuous love to be poured out upon us.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Hey, this is Pastor Gerry Stoltzfoos from Freedom Valley Worship Center in Gettysburg. He is a spiritual father to me and just a great man of God. Check out his story about giving.

Monday, November 19, 2007

How Ya Livin'... Like Thanksgivin'!

I love this time of the year. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, the days are filled with excitement as you get to see family and friends who come home for the holidays. I look forward to seeing some friends this week and to spending time with Bethany's family, as we have a giant size Thanksgiving meal with all of them - brothers, sisters, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma's, nieces, and nephews.

This is a time of year that we are to give thanks so I wanted to share somethings that I'm thankful for. In no particular order after the first 3:
- My relationship with Jesus which is always growing and changing as He shapes me
- My wife and son (and daughter on the way)
- The responsibility the Lord has given me as the servant to the New Life Center
- Seeing what God is doing in each and everyone one of you
- The elders of the NLC
- The young people of the NLC
- The entire Ford City community
- My dad and mom
- My entire family
- Friends
- The game of basketball (had to add it cause I love playing and coaching it)
- The church board members (what a great bunch of guys)
- Music (I love to play, sing, and listen)
- God's provision for me and my family (so many blessings)

So what are you thankful for? Take time to think about it this week and every week. There is so much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Eight Dollar Hot Dog...

Check this video out! Let me know what you think...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Life Changing People

I had the honor of hearing Gianna (Gee on ah) Jessen speak last night at the Life Choices banquet at Lobby Hall in Freeport. (Life Choices is a Christian outreach to those who are pregnant, thinking about abortion, or have had an abortion in the Armstrong County area) Gianna is truly a life changer. Who is she you may be asking? Well, you can check her story out here. But in short, she is a woman who was aborted by having solution shot into her mothers womb at 7 1/2 months of pregnancy which was supposed to kill her by burning her both inside and outside. When her mother gave birth to her 18 hours later, she was still alive. Had the abortion doctor been there she would have been killed by suffocation, strangulation, or by just being left there. But he wasn't, and a nurse took her to the hospital. Through many painful trials and tribulations, she is now 30 years old, has a beautiful voice (she sang a few songs for us), and is very funny. It was a wonderful evening that those at Life Choices put together. Thank you all very much.

A few things that Gianna shared really struck me in the heart. She had the privelege of meeting President Bush in 2002 which was a blessing for her. From this encounter she gained an appreciation for the president. She made this comment, "Until you are willing to put yourself out there to be hated like the president has, you should watch your words." That comment was made out of her feelings for those who only want to hate and spit venom at the president. She also said this, "It is our nature to want to crucify the leaders that are over us." Two powerful statements from a woman who kept you awake, interested, and on the edge of your seat the entire night. She is truly a blessing and anointed by the Holy Spirit as a speaker.

The fruit of the spirit could be seen in her life through her voice, though she has gone through far more trials and tribulations than some of us will see in our entire lives. It was a blessed night. And I recommend that if you have the chance to hear her, take it.

I pray that God continues to lead her through this world that she might be a blessing to the hurting, the healthy, and the hopeless. Amen.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I Must Become Les(s)?...

Today I was writing in my journal and I wrote down what John the Baptist said, "Jesus must become greater and I must become less." That gave me a chuckle because I thought about becoming Les Rishel. He is a great guy who loves Jesus, has a wonderful wife Bernice, and does a lot of great things for the church. But as he pointed out to me becoming like him would take away about 34 years of my life. Just a thought.

To the point now. As I was talking to him about this, he shared something God layed on his heart today. He was taking time to pray for Africa when he asked Jesus, "Why can't we be closer together with our brothers and sisters in Africa?" Immediately God hit him with the answer. God showed him that as he is praying and the people in Africa are praying, He (Jesus) is holding both of their hands connecting them. So it is as if they are together. Think about it. Powerful word. Thank you Les for sharing it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

His Name is Earl...

That's right! His name is Earl Creps and his wife's name is Janet. They are starting a church in California through Chi Alpha Ministries by the campus of the University of California-Berkley. There is approximately 32,000 students in this area and almost all of them have no church background. In fact, this area is known as a trend setting area for the rest of the United States. It isn't uncommon to find people with multiple doctorates. Education is the "in" thing there. It is very "worldly" in its culture and to say you are a Christian lumps you in with the super conservative republican's who support Bush. It is going to be a GREAT challenge to reach this area for Jesus and it's right here in the US.

It scared me as he spoke of going there to start a church. Why? Because we have the ability to start a church and get a few from the mothering church, a few disgruntled people from the church down the street, and maybe some friends and family. He will start with nothing. And what is even scarier, he will start with nothing with men and women who have no Biblical knowledge or interest. (The thoughts of the culture there bring them to think that they have passed Christianity by.) That is very scary to think about but also awesome because this is where man has to step aside and really have faith in Christ.

You might say you have faith but do something daring like that so that I can see your faith. I'm challenged to do something daring. I think of Brian and Angie Bolt who have done something daring in Pittsburgh for Jesus and the results that God is bringing about for His glory. They packed out their Sunday morning service this past Sunday morning with 190 people by having a Steelers Tailgating Party after church. It was a great time of building friendships and sharing the love of Jesus.

We need to do something daring for Jesus like praying for 10 people a month to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That is what I want to see, which would mean 120 people a year getting saved. Maybe that isn't daring enough. Maybe we need to pray for 50 people a month to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. If God is who He said He is then He will have no problem stepping up to the plate and hitting a home run when it comes to us stepping out in faith and doing something daring. Get uncomfortable! Because I'm ready, and I believe God is also, to BURN the lazy boy/couch that keeps us comfortable.

Lord, I want to be uncomfortable for You so that I might see Your glory at work.

Look out Ford City/Kittanning/Armstrong County for what God is about to do as we look toward 2008.