Monday, November 26, 2007

Bum Leg

Yesterday my sermon was titled Bum Leg. It was all about the discipleship process and being a servant. We went on a journey through scripture looking at what Jesus tells us about servanthood. I tied it into being a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1) and then looked at Malachi 1 where God tells the people that they have been offering sick and diseased animals to Him.

Sometimes we offer God a bum leg instead of our entire being. We can be unwilling to truly be a servant to all, all the time. But that is exactly what He is calling us to be. It starts with the leaders and moves to all. Because there is no prestige when you serve in the kingdom. We are equal and God has called us all to do our part as His servant. There is no ladder of success, there is only growing in grace, mercy, and love.

Let's get back to what made the kingdom of God attractive to others in the New Testament times, the willingness of the apostles to serve everyone around them. Check out Titus 2:9-10. And be encouraged! We are on the right track, we just need God's grace and mercy and His continuous love to be poured out upon us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a good sermon Pastor Craig-let's give Jesus our all--including our "bum leg".