Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I Must Become Les(s)?...

Today I was writing in my journal and I wrote down what John the Baptist said, "Jesus must become greater and I must become less." That gave me a chuckle because I thought about becoming Les Rishel. He is a great guy who loves Jesus, has a wonderful wife Bernice, and does a lot of great things for the church. But as he pointed out to me becoming like him would take away about 34 years of my life. Just a thought.

To the point now. As I was talking to him about this, he shared something God layed on his heart today. He was taking time to pray for Africa when he asked Jesus, "Why can't we be closer together with our brothers and sisters in Africa?" Immediately God hit him with the answer. God showed him that as he is praying and the people in Africa are praying, He (Jesus) is holding both of their hands connecting them. So it is as if they are together. Think about it. Powerful word. Thank you Les for sharing it.

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