Thursday, December 18, 2008

Comments Required

I'm interested to hear comments on what you think about Obama picking Rick Warren to do is invocation at his inauguration. You can read an article on it here. Letme know what you think.

I've heard this song before sung by Kim Walker. But this is the guy who wrote the song. Powerful testimony behind how it was written. Listen to it all and may your spirit be touched to know the power and love of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ignorance Overcome by Knowledge

After reading a blog by Paul Grabill, I have to admit how unknowledgable I am when it comes to Pentecostal History from the book of Acts on. (If you want to check out the blog he wrote click here.) There is so much to know and understand as Christians and we don't seem to care. I'm ashamed of my ignorance on a lot of our history. I believe it's time to do some studying. Lord, help me to learn Your ways and not my own. How You want things to run and not how I think they should. Amen.

What do you think?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Spiritual Muscle

I have the privilege to coach 22 7th graders at Ford City Jr./Sr. High School the game of basketball. This recently got me thinking. When I played basketball, I did many drills to develop muscle memory. What is muscle memory you may ask? It's where you do something over and over again to where you can do it without even thinking about it. Your muscles just react to different situations. I would do dribbling drills, and shooting drills, to develop muscle memory so I could do them in my sleep if I had to. The only problem is I only developed certain muscles. I was happy with being able to dribble and shoot and never developed any other areas. It's kind of like a weightlifter who does his arms only. Eventually, his arms are huge and well sculpted, but his chest and legs, well lets just not go there. Or if someone only works on their upper body and gets cut but never does anything with their legs, you end up with string bean legs holding up a well built upper body.

Now I say all of this because we take this mentality into our walk with the Lord. We all have something in our walk with Jesus that we have done over and over again to the point that we can do it in our sleep. It may be praying. It may be fasting. It may be evangelizing. Etc. When problems come, we tend to rely on that muscle. The problem is that we do nothing to develop the other muscles to truly drive off the enemy. We may be good at praying but if we could develop the habit of fasting to go along with our prayer time, how much stronger we would become.

I am seeing in myself, where I have relied on the spiritual muscles that I have built up through the years but have forgotten about the other muscles that could help me fight the good fight. I so often turn to those built up muscles to help me fight the battle but sometimes the battle is greater than those muscles can take. Just like getting into a baskball game. I might be able to dribble around people and shoot really well but if I can't pass to open teamates then how effective will I be in the end? The battle of good and evil rages around us and we need to discipline ourselves to do the hard work to build these weaker muscles so that eventually, they will become a part of our lives.

This month and this coming year of 2009, let us begin to build the spiritual muscles that we have not touched in awhile. Develop the muscle to pray. The muscle to fast. The muscle to evangelize. The muscle to sit in silence. The muscle to read God's Word. Whatever muscle it may be. Then when a problem comes, instead of relying on what we always do, let us use these other spiritual muscles.

Can I get an "AMEN!" (This is probably where we gulp and wonder if we can do this and think that we probably can't. Yes, you can do this. As I tell my 7th graders in basketball we don't say can't. If I only taught them things they knew then what kind of coach would I be. The same goes for being a pastor. If I only challenged you in areas that are strengths, what kind of pastor would I be? You can do it and I believe that you will!)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Parable of Starbucks Marketing Like the Church

This is something to think about when we ask ourselves what others might think about when they walk into our church.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have become a bad blogger. With the start of coaching basketball, the thanksgiving dinner we did for the community (which was very successful), starting small groups in January, studying for my sermon series on the Gifts of the Spirit, trying to buy a parking lot, I think that's it but I'm not sure, it has been tough to sit down and type my thoughts. I'm not complaining, just letting you all know what I've been doing.

Right now I would like to ask everyone for their prayers. We are in the process of possibly putting a bid on a building that burned down and is being cleaned up right now, to turn it into a parking lot. That's right. We are going to pave paradise and put up a parking lot. Well, it's not really paradise but it would be a great parking lot. I think the process might be a little easier if the guy who owns the area had just named a price but instead he has asked for us to bid on it. I don't know if we will get it because I've been told we are up against a bank and a local Ford City business, but God does and He will take care of everything. I've done my homework and now tonight I will present the information at a church business meeting for members/partners to decide if we are going to bid, how much to bid, and what to do if we are the winning bid.

I believe a parking lot would be very big in us breaking the growth barrier of 110 that we are at as a church and I know that God knows this. Satan knows this as well and would try to do anything to keep us from this. So, whether you are a member/partner, or just someone who calles New Life Center home, join me in praying for a parking lot and specifically, for this piece of ground that God would have His way and that Satan would be defeated in the process. It doesn't matter what giant (bank) might come our way, God can slay any giant.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Check it Out

If you have a chance, I want to encourage you to check out Pastor Jeff Leake's blog "The Launchpad" and his blogs on Kingdom DNA. Or click here, here, here, and here. They are powerful and very insightful and what I want to instill in this church.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Let it Dawn on You!

What a Sunday! I know I say that a lot but truly God began a great work yesterday in the NLC. I pray that you were touched and that this week you take time get to know who you are in Jesus, that you are part of the body of Christ, you are prophetic, you are a priest, and a conquering king.

I shared a word that the Lord layed on my heart yesterday morning while I was doing my devotions. It comes from Acts 12:1-12:
1It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. 2He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. 3When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 4After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover. 5So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. 6The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. 7Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists. 8Then the angel said to him, "Put on your clothes and sandals." And Peter did so. "Wrap your cloak around you and follow me," the angel told him. 9Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision. 10They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him. 11Then Peter came to himself and said, "Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating." 12When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying.

An angel of the Lord came and set Peter free from imprisonment. The chains fell off, they walked past the guards, and the iron gates opened by themselves so that they could get out. Yet Peter wasn't free until it dawned on him what had just happen. For awhile he thought he was dreaming. Too many in the church today think they are just dreaming. God is removing chains but we are not walking in the freedom that He is giving us. We are sleep walking thinking dreaming about what it will be like to be free. It is time that we wake up to realize what God has done through His Son Jesus. We are free! Free to be who God created us to be. Free to succeed and fail. Free to listen and hear the voice of God. The law of sin and death has no power over us because we have been redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus. We are riding on a ribbon of never ending grace. Grace that does not give us the right to deliberately go out and sin but grace that let's us pursue God and succeed and fail in this walk. It's how we continue to grow.

I want us to realize that it is time to wake up and know the freedom that is truly ours. It is not a dream. Until we learn, as the people of God, what freedom truly is, what difference are we going to make in a world that is bound by sin and death? I pray for the release of new life, healing, and the gifts of the Spirit in your life, that you may be whole in Jesus' name and know it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What's in a Name?

What a wonderful Friday! I am usually off today but I had to stay home with the kids this past Tuesday. It's kind of nice coming in here on Friday's because no one is here. I took time to pray for this Sunday and the Lord began to reveal somethings to me.

Recently I read somewhere, but I can't remember where, that the first blessing we speak over our children is their name. If you look through the Bible you will see the significance of the naming a child. Look at Jacob (Genesis 25:26). He lived out His name till the Lord changed it. Or what about Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9). Or how about Peter (John 1:42). Jesus changed his name to Peter for a very significant reason. Names are important.

Now I say all of that because I've been thinking about the name of the church New Life Center. Since I became pastor, I have often thought about changing the name of the church and that thought was even brought up again recently. As I see it, there really isn't a problem with the New Life part but there have been concerns about Center. Are we a Center or a Church? Does Center really tell people who we are or is it confusing? But as I was praying today the Lord showed me that our name is not a mistake. Our name has significance behind it, that goes back to when our church was founded in the late 70's. He spoke to me that we are going to bring New Life to the people right here in the Center of Ford City. That's right, our church is on 9th Street which is the center of town. We are not Main Street, that's a block over, but we are the center of Ford City. Amazing isn't it? Those who started our church, did they have this in mind when they named this church? I believe that we are going to begin to stand up becoming the Center of this area in bringing New Life. It's our destiny. It's written in our name! So our name is very significant. I can't see changing it.

I also began to speak the release of New Life in this church and this area, the release of healing in this church and this area, and the release of the Gifts of the Spirit in this church and this area. What an amazing time I had listening to the Lord as He began to impart to me the importance of our name. New Life Center, what a beautiful name that the Lord has given us. Be ready for what the Lord will do this Sunday. It's going to "Bless Your Socks Off!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Check this Song Out...

I enjoyed this song that Debby Fazekas sent me. Suzy (Wills) Yaraei sings this song and it is found on the MorningStar Worship & Warfare III CD. It may be a little different for you as far as how she worships, but the lyrics are powerful. She sings this song from the perspective of Mary, who anointed Jesus' feet and went to the tomb. But this song is something we could all sing about what Jesus has done for us. Listen.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

What a Sunday! We have begun our new sermon series on "The Gifts of the Spirit." Yesterday, we looked at John 8:47 which says, "He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God." I believe we all can hear from God and it starts with us belonging to Him. That means that we give our whole selves to Him and what He has for us. It means learning how to be in His presence every second of the day. What a powerful people we would be if we could learn to hear His voice and be lead by Him all day long. Please join me in praying for God to be glorified during this time. I assure you, He has something for us as we grow in this area.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yesterday was a monumental time in the history of the United States when Barack Obama was elected president. Whether the democratic or republican ticket won, history was going to be made as we would have our first black president or our first woman vice-president. I do not know what the future holds as far as politcs are concerned for this country. I do however know that Christ is still on the throne and He gives the power to rule and reign. Now is the time for the Church to arise and become a greater force in this country. It is time we stop trying to set people straight and start setting them free by introducing them to a relationship with Jesus. That was Jesus' whole life while He was on earth, to set people free. The only ones He set straight were the Pharisee's and other religious leaders of that day. And that was so that they might be set free.

We must become the light of the world. People need us to minister to them. Flickering flames will not cut it. We need men and women who are glowing by the power of the Holy Spirit. As Pastor Dan shared this past Sunday, we need to chip away all of the garbage (lies of the enemy, our past, pride, etc.) that has covered the gold within all of us. We need men and women, that no matter what happens in the years to come, have joy and peace knowing the truth that Jesus is in control. And who will let that shine forth not trying to hide it. My happiness and relationship with Jesus is not based on who is the president. It is based on the simple fact that Jesus loved me while I was still a sinner and died for me so that I might have a way to the Father and eternal life.

So how did you wake up this morning? Was it with a big "UGH!" or was it with a big "PRAISE THE LORD!" because Jesus is in control. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and His righteousness. Today is a great day because it is a day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thanks to Amy Alabran for sending me this video. It goes along with this past months sermon series "Sent." It's powerful. Enjoy.

I'm Back...

Yes, I'm back. Last week I took a week of vacation to spend with my family and get somethings done around the house. What a relaxing and fun week. I got to spend a lot of time with Isaiah and Chloe. They enjoyed the week and I'm not sure how they will take this week now that dad is back to work. I'm excited to get back into things here at the office. Much to accomplish as we get ready for the launch of our small group system in January.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Enjoy this...

I took this from Paul Grabill's blog. I thought it was funny in explaining Wall-Street

From an email...
If you have difficulty understanding the current world financial situation, the following should help clear matters... Once upon a time in a village in Africa, a man announced to the villagers that he would buy local monkeys for $10 apiece.The villagers seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them.The man bought thousands at $10, but, as the supply started to diminish, the villagers slowed their efforts.So the man then announced that he would buy at $20. This rejuvenated the efforts of the villagers and they were catching monkeys once more.But again the supply diminished, and again people began returning to their farms and their previous, less affluent lives.The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was rare to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as buyer, on his behalf.In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: 'Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $30 each. When he returns from the city, you can sell them back to him for $50.'The villagers, seeing an opportunity to squeeze a bit more out of this monkey business dug up their savings and bought back all the monkeys.They never saw the man or his assistant again; only monkeys ... everywhere!Welcome to Wall Street

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am still excited when I think back to last week and the time Pastor Art and I had to learn about Spiritual Gifts. And I am still growing in how to see them come alive in my personal life. There has been so much dirt thrown on them through the years, that even though I believe in the gifts, I was afraid of them and didn't know how to use them. My vision of a well that has shovel fulls of dirt being thrown into it to fill it up and then a gusher of water, like Old Faithful, bursting forth is exciting to me because I believe it is a picture of ushering in the gifts in a powerful way in this church. Then we will begin to minister out of the overflow of the anointing and not out of the bottom of the barrel. Not that we are doing that now, but in order for the church to grow healthy and strong you need worship, teaching, and the gifts to flow together.

Something that has come alive to me even more so now, is the command to die to myself and pick up my cross and follow Him. It seems the biggest problem in our churches today is that we are not really dieing to oursleves. We still have so much concern for how others see us, how we look, what will entertain us, that it hinders us from truly being a light for Jesus. Think about that. One person put it like this, we need a spiritual martyrdom, the killing of self, for His glory. Then we can truly begin to experience the gifts of the Spirit in an even greater way. I know that this is hard because I still wrestle with wanting to fit in but this is where knowing who we are in Jesus needs to take precedent over what this world thinks of me. In Jesus, we are princes and princesses, we are heirs, we are His workmanship, and so much more.

Lord, help us to overcome this world and the desires we have to want to fit in with it. Give us desires that draw us nearer to You and lead us to be a greater evangelist. This community needs You and it needs us to begin to represent You and the characteristics that go along with a life that is founded in You. Lead the way and may we all follow. Amen.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For the Pastor's Wife

I thought this video was very thought provoking (and funny). I am going to watch what I say and always be sure to talk to Bethany before I say anything about her. I love you Bethany.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Tuesday Morning...

I am in Carlisle listening to David Lim speak on the "Gifts of the Spirit." He talked about how ALL of us can use ALL of the gifts. It was powerful. He talked about the fact that no one has a certain gift. You know what I mean? Some people say they have the gift of prophecy or healing but that is an untrue statement. The correct statement would be that they operate in those gifts more than other people and other gifts but they do not have that gift or possess that gift. Remember, God possesses all of the gifts and gives them out to all. If we are willing to seek the Lord and be ready to listen and be used any time, we can operate in any of the gifts.

In fact, after he taught, we took time to worship the Lord and listen to what He would speak to all of us. David Lim wrote down somethings that he felt God was speaking and then he had us share what we thought God was speaking. Do you know what? Everyone was hearing the same things. Do you know what else? Even I heard from the Lord.

I have to admit that I had fear when it came to the "Gifts of the Spirit." But that fear came from an improper view of the "Gifts." As I am learning about the "Gifts," I am beginning to better understand them and my part in seeing them operate in my life.

Oh, and what God showed me was that He was going to bring healing in the use of the Gifts of the Spirit to the church. This was shared many different ways today so I knew that God had spoken to me. It was very exciting. Oh and when I heard this, I didn't get goose bumps or feel like I was taken to a super natural plain. It was just something that the Lord dropped into my heart. It was awesome. Then when we began to worship the Lord again, the Lord dropped this in my heart, "Victory is in Jesus!" I am so excited. I am overcoming fear and learning how to truly see the "Gifts" at work in my life. Praise the Lord! And I can't wait to share with you all that I'm learning and begin to see the "Gifts" at work in all of your lives as well. Remember this prophetic word: "VICTORY IS IN JESUS!"

Somebody get your PRAISE on!

In the beginning...

I keep seeing this video posted on some different blogs and I think it is funny so I wanted to share it with all of you. Let me know what you think.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Great Debate

I took time to watch the vp debate. An interesting point made by Gov. Palin was when she said that it was time Americans learned how to live within their means. I don't think you hear a lot of people saying that in the government. But I do believe that would help us a whole lot more than getting bigger paychecks, though that is nice. We do not know how to be happy with whatever we have like the apostle Paul talks about. We always want to be like the next person that looks like they are living the high life. Happines does not come from money. It comes from Jesus. If we could be happy with a decent wage, and by decent wage I mean a wage that meets our basic needs, what might that do for us?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lesson Learned

Monday as we joined together for noon time prayer 1 Samuel 15 was brought up. (Noon time prayer is where a couple different churches and pastors get together to pray for this community. It has been going on everyday at 12:00pm since September 2007.)

1 Samuel 15 is all about God telling Saul to go and completely destroy the Amalekites. Instead of completely destroying them, Saul saves the king and some animals. This is the beginning of the end of Saul's reign. He disobeyed God.

Saul wanted to sacrifice some of the animals to God. Sounds good, doesn't it? I began to wonder what I might do if I was put in that same position. Would I look at all of the animals and think of how they could bless the poor? Would I want to spare the children because they are only children? It lead me to think of how many times we compromise God's Word in the name of helping others.

As a believer in Jesus, I believe gambling is wrong. But, when someone wins the lottery, which is gambling, and they want to give the church a chunk, if not all of it, am I going to take it? Recently, a church received a winning lottery ticket from someone who had won. Sounds like a blessing, and maybe it was. Or maybe they compromised their belief that gambling is wrong because it benefited them in a tremendous way? I don't know. I don't know what I would do given the same situation. Yes, it could help the poor around the world, but at what cost. My only thought is am I opening the door to give Satan a foothold, just like Saul did, when I compromise what I know is right and wrong.

I know that God can do whatever He wants and use whatever He wants. I just wonder if we are being tested to see if we will compromise or hold to what we believe is truth. Holding to what we believe is true goes further, than compromising who I am and what I believe as a follower of Christ. I believe it would bring a greater blessing. And think of the example set if that winning lottery ticket was burned up or cashed in and the money burned up. Maybe it would look crazy and be crazy. Or maybe people would see that Christians will not compromise, even if when it benefits us to compromise. It might turn the world upside down.

Just some thoughts. What do you think?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thought for Today

A thought occured to me yesterday. As a pastor, and having pastor friends, it seems easier to fire people up by telling them you are changing the building, ministry, music, etc. than you can fire them up to tell their friends about Jesus. I think that is crazy. It should not matter how things are changed but only that we are running after Jesus and wanting to see souls saved.

I'm really stirred up about the passion I have and the church has for our missing brothers and sisters (those who don't know Jesus yet). I've been taking a good look at myself to see where I'm at in sharing the love of Christ and I'm finding out that I'm not where I need to be. And when you hear the stories of the church in America and how people care more for (see list above) we should all be ashamed. Our hearts should beat for those who do not know Jesus. We should be doing whatever we can to tell others about Jesus. If that is changing the building, then change the building. If that is creating a better discipleship process, then create a better discipleship process. Let's get focused on the real issues. Let's get fired up to tell people about Jesus and His delivering power that can set people free.

Lord, forgive me for my lack of passion for those who do not know you yet. Forgive me for focusing on other things and caring more for those things than I do these brothers and sisters. Give me a great boldness to proclaim the gospel. Give me the understanding that this world is not my home I'm just passing through. And give me the grace to not lose the fire once it catches flame and to let it spread and spur on those in the church. Amen.

What do you think?

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Weekend

Well, what a weekend. My wife enjoyed the Penn/Del pastors wives retreat. Her, Billie, and Chloe, set off Friday at around 1 pm. After they left, Isaiah and I got ready and went to cut great grandpa's grass. Isaiah loves watching me cut grass. When I was done, he helped sweep the grass off of the sidewalk. Great grandma gave him a dollar to get a pop when we went shopping. It was fun.

This pic is from Saturday night. Him and I love drinking homemade strawberry milkshakes which consists of strawberry ice cream and milk. He got his cup and his fancy straw, layed down in front of the tv to watch Camp Rock Freestyle Jam. I thought it was cool how he set everything up and had to take a pic.

It was a great weekend. We failed to catch the Wiggles but did get to watch the Imagination Movers Saturday morning. I enjoyed the time with him but missed Bethany and Chloe. It's good to have them all home again. Isaiah would agree.

Check this Out

Check out this blog here. It is written by Paul Grabill, the assistant district superintendant of the Assemblies of God here in PA/Del. I thought it was interesting and something to think about.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I've been battleing a cold this week. Monday, I never made it to work. Tuesday, I didn't feel like doing much. Yesterday, I had to catch up. And Today, I get ready for the weekend. This weekend it will be just me and my son. Bethany and Chloe and Billie will be heading to the Penn/Del pastors wives retreat. It should be a great time for them as well as for us guys. Isaiah and I will be able to do guy things like watch the Wiggles, maybe some Doodlebops, hopefully some football, and do a birthday party for his cousin. He might even sneek some sleep time with dad. It should be really fun.

Yesterday, in my devotions, I read through the book of Joel. These verses in chapter 2 stuck out to me. 12 "Even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." 13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. I've been meditating on the significance of this verse. It made me think of myself and also those who have fallen recently. If we are truly tearing our hearts open and not just our clothes, God will answer us. But has the recent fallings of some well-known Christians happened because of them not truly opening their heart to God everyday?

I think of how I respond in worship and in my prayer time. And I question myself with am I truly tearing my heart open for Jesus to come and fill it or am I only tearing my clothes? Am I looking real good on the outside but on the inside I'm full of dead men's bones?

Genesis 4:7 says, "7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." Sin is crouching at my door. It's crouching at your door, waiting for an opening. If we are not willing to rend our hearts to Jesus everyday, taking time to fast, weep, and mourn, where will any of us be in a few days, weeks, years? We need to be aware that Satan is prowling around looking for anyone he may devour. Put on the full armor of God. Keep the fallow ground plowed. Keep your heart open to Jesus. Put your whole self into your relationship with Jesus. Jesus will never fail you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11

On this day, we are reminded of what happened 7 years ago. I don't know where you were or what you were doing but I can say it is probably something that is ingrained in your memory. I was still living at my parents at the time. I had gotten up like any other day, did my devotions, fixed myself up, and headed to work. Elyn, my secretary was crying and I had no idea why. She began to explain what had happened. I couldn't believe it. I had such a weird feeling inside. It was supposed to be a day of celebration, as the Riggle family was getting together in the evening to celebrate my Grandma Riggle's birthday. It turned out to be a very solemn occassion. Bethany and I were just friends at the time but she called me because she was a little nervous about what was going on.

These memories are so vivid as I think back. I don't remember a lot of things as years go by, but that is one time where everything is burned into my memory.

So what about you? Do you remember where you were and what you were doing?

Many prayer meetings and vigils took place here in Ford City. And some continued on for a few years in rememberance. But like most things, it gets forgotten and does not take on as much meaning as it did when it first happened. We go back to living our lives but do we actually? Or like other things that have happened in history, do we just sweep it under the carpet and not truly recognize the sacrifice that many families were forced to make because of this tragedy, not to mention the sacrifices that many families are still making as the war on terror continues. America still needs us to remember. America still needs us to pray. Not just on September 11, but everyday.

Let us wake up to the reality that our time is short and we do not know the day or hour when our time will come. But I pray that whenever that day and hour is, we will be found doing the Lord's work.

What a Wednesday!

We had a great time yesterday making 800 and some hoagies. If you want to get to know people in our church, there is nothing like getting together and making hoagies. You learn about people and can grow as a family. Family is important in this church. But, be reminded, we are not an exclusive family. We invite all to be a part of our family. If you missed out on all of the fun, don't worry, another hoagie sale is only months away. (This is only a few of the many who helped out.)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Relish the Small Beginnings...

Yesterday, I shared my heart and vision for wanting to see our church become a church of small/home groups. This will consist of changing the way we do small/home groups now, as well as how we do Wednesday night. Those two things will become obsolete as we pursue redefining how we do ministry. In their place, will be small/home groups that will run in 12 week segments, like college classes. I am praying for 5 group leaders to be ready to lead their groups by January 2009. Each group will be designed to minister to 20 people, no more. The 5 groups will be set up to teach a different course and some maybe the same course just at a different time. If you got a questionnaire on Sunday and did not get a chance to fill it out, please take time to fill it out and get it back to me. If you are interested in being a leader, please let me know.

I believe that, with everyones cooperation, this will become a greater tool in discipling people in their relationship with Christ. It will encourage relationships and intamacy on a smaller scale. It will encourage growth on a personal level. It will build us up and prepare us for ministry to the body. Most importantly, I pray that it gets ALL of us involved.

I am learning to relish the small beginnings of where we are going as a church. January is closer than you think when you begin to realize how much preparation is still to be done so that we are ready for this transition. My heart can get caught up in wanting to see a great turn around today by 5:00pm. (Just an illustration.) God's agenda is to see His idea thought out and prepared with excellence through the talents and gifts that He has given each of us. Small beginnings help build a strong foundation for the future.

I know this will take time to get used to but with God's help, we will. Please, be praying. It's about people becoming fully mature followers of Christ. Be blessed as we continue this journey.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Heart is Still Breaking...

This video shows us why it is so important to be transparent. I know that it can be very difficult to own up to the sin in our lives but it is so important. If we want to be healthy spritually, mentally, and physically we need to confess our sin so that we can overcome it.

Scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

We all struggle with different sins, but we must remember and not be fooled that our sin will lead to death if we are unwilling to repent (turn away from) and let God wash over us. I included verse 11 because it is our hope. It lets us know that we can overcome the things mentioned in verse 9 and 10. There is hope and His name is Jesus!

Can we please learn how to be a church where people can be transparent and find the healing they need? Where people can admit their problems to others without getting the stares of death and surprise.

It seems like the true church arises from one black eye only to get hit again and put down because of people not knowing the Word of God and not wanting to deal with their problems. We have unscriptural prophecies, deception from Todd Bentley and others, and it is hurting people. The cause of Christ will go on and will not be stopped. The problem is the blind leading the blind. Lord, give us salve so that we all can see so that we can lead others to You.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Problem Stalker

It's been a week since I blogged last. Where does time go? I sat down to blog yesterday and ran out of time. I really enjoy blogging and receiving comments, I just get so busy doing other things that I forget to share my thoughts.

I've been wrestling with a lot of issues this week. One thing that I've found out about myself is that I can be a Problem Stalker. That's right... I stalk problems. Instead of just taking them to the Lord in prayer, I stalk them with stealth like reflexes. I ask questions of others to help me find more info about the problem. I think through all possible avenues of what a conversation might be with the person who has the problem. I think, and think, and think, through the problem till I can't sleep at night. Why? If I would learn to cast my cares (anxieties) upon Jesus because He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7), I would be a better, not to mention more effective, leader. And since Jesus is the head of this church, it's up to Him to navigate each problem anyway. So pray that I can break away from being a problem stalker and learn to trust Jesus for everything. Slowly but surely, I'm learning. Not to mention that I named my year learning to trust in who Jesus says He is. God will always bring you through things that you are asking Him to bring you through. It just doesn't always look like you would like it to.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

In Response to Previous Post

My dad sang to me a song that he thinks about when things like what I mentioned in the previous come about. It's an old hymn that I've heard before but he has most hymns memorized and quote and play them from memory. It's a verse in the hymn "Stand Up for Jesus." It goes, Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you Ye dare not trust your own. That is a powerful statement from an old hymn. I think we need to think about that as we think about what has happened with these men.

My Heart is Breaking...

I'm struggling with something today and I'm going to share with you all what that is. I'm struggling with the situation that has come out about Todd Bentley having an "unhealthy relationship" with a female coworker and stepping down from ministry, Terry MacAlmon (he is a piano player who we listen to sometimes while we are praying at church) having an affair and stepping down from ministry, and now Mike Guglielmucci (the guy who wrote the song Healer) not really having a terminal form of cancer and stepping down from ministry. What is going on?

What's even more devestating is those who will be devestated because of the news of these 3 gentleman. But something the Lord showed me today that I need to be careful and that we all need to be careful of is this, God will seperate the sheep from the goats Matthew 25:33. The Lord revealed to me though that we will know who the goats are because unlike sheep, goats will eat anything. You name it and a goat will eat it or try and eat it. Now I'm not calling myself a goat, nor am I calling anyone else a goat. What I am saying is this, we need to be careful what we buy into so that we are not deceived. And being deceived is so easy. I mean look at the song Healer. That is a powerful song. The story behind it was inspiring. I don't think there was anyone who would have ever thought he was making up that story. But here it is, he was lying and we've been deceived.

The main point that I want to make through this post is that we cannot look at man, no matter what gifts they might be operating in, as "Superman" or "The Man." I think we as Americans can tend to gravitate to those who look like they have power and prestige, instead of drawing nearer to God. Remember, we are just a bunch of cracked pots that God fills up for His glory. It isn't about Craig Riggle becoming incorporated to house the anointing that God has given me. It's about Craig becoming less and Christ becoming greater and receiving ALL (John 3:30).

So be encouraged to follow Christ and in Jesus' name we will not be deceived. We will just drop to our knees in prayer for these men that they may be restored.

Pics at the Park

This is a pic of Isaiah saying "Cheese" while we were playing at the park in Kittanning. He wanted to go for a bike ride with his dada, and so we did. That bike ride lead us to the park and what a fun time we had. He's a little trooper. He's learning a lot as he grows. He told me last night that he wanted to play basketball, football no, basketball. Precious times. My prayer is that I can learn to enjoy them. I can't let everything around me get me bogged down that I forget to enjoy these times of going to the park and the things that he says to his dada. I don't want to miss out on what the Lord is doing in building our father-son relationship. Because after all, he will get his perception of who Christ is in how I live and act. Lord, help me be a good dada.

On another note, I was able to go to ARC Manor yesterday. There was a person there who wanted to meet with a pastor. When I walked in the person was expecting an older gentleman but here was me. They were a little hesitant to open up but then shared how their spouse used to tell them you can know where God is leading you if you will pay attention to the people He puts around you. I was thinking the person was talking about divine appointments and so I shared with them that me meeting with them was a divine appointment. I used to go to ARC Manor when they needed me, but since Chloe was born and Bethany got a job outside of the house, I have to be home to watch the kids at 3:00 so that she can take the car and go to work. Well, this week Bethany is off, so when ARC Manor called me up, I said that I was able to come yesterday. If the person had been there any other week I would not have been able to come, so I encouraged them that I really felt that God wanted them to keep pursuing Him when they got out of ARC Manor. I prayed with the person and then left. But isn't it awesome how God works.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pictures from VBS

Herb Reefer, pastor of First Presbeterian Church in Ford City
This is me with red hair. You can't really see the red but it was there.
This is Curt Sirwell getting a mohawk. Yes, I do some barbering on the side.
Craig Peterson, pastor of the Allegheny Charge of United Methodist churches.
Alice Miller, volunteer.
Why do these people have mohawks and colored hair? To raise money for biosand filters. If the kids could raise over $500 dollars Curt and Pastor Craig Peterson were going to get mohawks. As the money increased, a few of us jumped on board to keep things rolling. At the end of the week the children had raised over $750. We averaged about 50 kids a day. Praise the Lord. We also had a great backpack giveaway where we were able to give away around 50 backpacks. What a week. I'm a little tired but thankful to God for all that He did this past week. And there's more.
Two women who helped out with VBS last week came to church this past Sunday and surrendered their lives to Jesus. The example people from the churches and the children set for them encouraged them to get back into church and Jesus. Praise the Lord! I can't thank the Lord enough for all that He did this past week. A relationship with Jesus is truly an exciting adventure.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What a Week!

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. It has been a busy week with VBS, but what a week it was. I started out a little slow. I love VBS and getting to clown around with kids, but it took a day or two for me to get into it. But once I got geared up to show and tell these kids about Jesus, it was on. Throw in a day that I helped Pastor Art move around 9o0 pound dryers for his laundrymats and I'm exhausted. But no time to rest now, I have the Back Pack Giveaway to get ready for. So keep all that is going on in your prayers and I will post some pics on here as soon as I can.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hidden Sackcloth 2

In 2 Kings 6, it talks about two women who were going to eat their babies because of a severe famine in the land. When the king of Israel heard this, it disturbed him and he put on sackcloth and was walking on the wall. As people got closer to him on the wall, they could see the sackcloth under his royal robes. Now you have to understand, sackcloth was worn to mourn and in repentance. So to have it on meant something was wrong. Here the king of Israel has it on because of what is going on in Israel, but he doesn't want anybody to know. But as they get closer, they can see it.

This is what happens in todays church. We have so much hurt and pain and need for repentance, but instead of admitting it, we try and hide it under a facade. The problem is though, as people get closer to us they can see that their is a problem. And yet most of the time we are still unwilling to admit it. Why? If we really and truly believe that Jesus brings freedom to the captives, hope to the hopeless, love for the brokenhearted, then why is the church full of people captive, hopeless, and brokenhearted? It's because we are unwilling to admit things. Can we not overcome our pride and admit when their is a problem, a failure in our life, and find the help we need in Jesus and others? Can we not cry out to Jesus in church and not care what others think?

We must all be willing to get close to others in this day and age so that we can spur one another on. It is to easy to rely on email, text messaging, etc. and not see people face to face or hear a voice. But we are never going to escape our need for fellowship and interaction with others. We must become honest with ourselves and with others so that we can find the true healing and freedom that Jesus brings. I believe as we can do this, we will see healing in the marriages and relationships that have been strained through the years. Now is not the time to be a lone ranger. Now is the time to enter into fellowship.

It's in fellowship that we learn and grow in being strong men and women of God. It's in fellowship that we can learn and grow to be a better husband/wife to our spouse. It's in fellowship that we can learn and grow in being a better father/mother to our child. We all need taught in all of these areas, if we would only have a teachable spirit and be willing to seek Jesus and get involved with others so that we can ask questions. To not ask questions is to never understand and truly grasp what is being taught. Let's not hide our pain. Let's bring it out into the open and get through it.

Lord, I repent for the times that I have reacted wrongly when being confided in. I realize that as a human, I can say and do some pretty dumb things. But I pray that you will help me and everyone overcome these tendancies so that we could be used by You to bring help to those who are hurting. May I and everyone else grow in being a true friend and someone that others can confide in. We all need relationships, first with You most importantly, and then with others. Give us a desire to grow in our relationship with You and with others. May we no longer hide our troubles and struggles but admit them so that we can overcome them. Satan will no longer hold us down, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hidden Sackcloth

I worked under a pastor that once said to me that as a pastor you will have days where you go through every emotion that you can think of. There has been many things to be excited about here at the NLC but I have to admit that there is a major concern I have... marriages. I am hearing far to many stories of church going people who are ending marriages that have been together for 5, 10, 25, even 40 years. My heart breaks as I hear the reasons why? And most of the reasons come from lack of communication which leads to lack of knowing one's role. You've heard it spoken negatively but there is truly something to "Know your role." A thought that came from todays noon time prayer was that America is filled with babies marrying babies then having babies. Nobody is being taught their role in a marriage (attention parents) and no one, once they are married, is talking about what their role is in the marriage. Everyone just has a thought of what their spouse is supposed to do. Husbands take out the garbage and mow the lawn. Wives cook and clean. Trouble arises when one of the spouses doesn't do what we think they are supposed to do. There is no written code that says that the above mentioned is how a marriage is to operate. But instead of talking through issues like this and being willing to humble ourselves and admit a weakness, we argue and fight to the detriment of the marriage and any children that may be involved. We become critics of the other saying things like "You are lazy" and "I can't live with you anymore" and many other horrible things. There is no team work and no compromise.
When there is communication and each of us is willing to share issues we have, then things can be worked out. I really feel like the church has become a place where we hide the real issues in our lives and put on a facade so that no one knows the pain inside. There are people right now in the NLC that are struggling in their marriage, their walk with the Lord, etc. and you wouldn't even know it. It's breaking my heart the pride that we have in us that we are unwilling to go to a pastor or elder or counselor or whoever to find help working through our issues.
Please join me in praying for marriages. Satan is truly trying to rip the family apart and I'm seeing it more and more right in front of me. Lord, help men and women to begin to communicate and work together. May their be humility and healing in every marriage that is in turmoil right now. That each family will become strong once again. Amen. More on this later.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Church is not the Building

After reading a post by Jack Thomas, someone I played basketball against in college but am now just getting the opportunity to know and truly appreciate, I think I need to write what has been on my heart. Church isn't a building. So when people say this or that church is dead, they are talking about people, since we already know that buildings are not living beings. Unless it is a transformer, just kidding. When you begin to say things like this, I think we also need to take a look at our own life and see if we are bringing any life into the building.

It is becoming something that really irritates me when I hear that our church, specifically, is dying. (Not that I've heard this recently.) Because when I look out at the people we have in our congregation, I see people who want to do what God has called them to do. They may be a little scared or feel overwhelmed over the task ahead but they want to pursue the adventure that is living for Jesus Christ. I see people committing themselves to being part of and making others feel welcome to our OHANA. We are beginning to unite through vision and the sky is the limit. So, I don't for a minute think that we are a dead church. (Yes, we have had our share of difficulties the past 8 years, but we are overcoming them one at a time and will continue to overcome them and become all that God has called us to be.)

The people who say such statements should really check themselves. Because the only dead church their can be is a dead individual, since we are the church. I'm challenged by this thought. It is so easy to look on the outside of things and say that this or that church is dying instead of looking at myself and seeing what I might be able to do to help bring life to that church and that pastor. Yes, we have to be honest when their are struggles but it should never lead us to pull the plug on the people who make up any church. The King always has another move! He can breathe life into dead, dry bones, as He did in Ezekiel's case. And He can do it for churches today. PRAISE THE LORD!

Lord, continue to breathe life into the NLC and the churches here in Ford City and Kittanning. May we not put down or pull the plug on any church but begin to see through your eyes of life. Let us live lives that would help bring life into places that seem to be dying. The atmosphere is changing and your glory is filling this place. Let it be. Amen.

Check this Video Out

This song appears on the new Hillsong CD "This is Our God."

Monday, August 4, 2008


What a Sunday. This morning I heard a testimony of how well people thought yesterday went. We are still looking at Overhaulin: Rethinking Church, with our goal being bringing unity through everyone having a common vision for our community. It's exciting seeing what God is doing through this series.

I also got my new phone. A palm centro. I'm enjoying it as it helps me organize my life without having to carry a bunch of gadgets around. And with email and internet access, I'm connected everywhere.

On a lighter note, last night I got to watch DC Studio? or something like that on the Disney channel. It had the Disney actors join with the Muppets. For those of you who don't know, and don't laugh, God used Animal to draw me to the drums. When I was little, I loved Animal and how he played the drums. He was a big factor in me wanting to learn how to play the drums. So last night the family sat down and watched the show. It was beautiful. The sad part though was when it was over, Isaiah turned to me and wanted me to turn the Muppets on again. He thought I had turned the channel and I had to explain to him that the show was over. The Muppets and their drawing factor for the Riggle's. Can't wait till next week.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thought for a Tuesday

In studying about the early church I came across a story about a pagan actor who becomes a Christian. He realized that he had to change his employment because most plays encouraged immorality and were steeped in pagan idolatry, not to mention that they turned boys into homosexuals so that they could better play the roles of women on stage (women were not allowed to act at that time). *Note: does this sound like present day? This man had no other job skills. He knew he could not act because of the above mentioned so he thought he would begin to teach drama to non-Christian students. But before he did this, he submitted his idea to the leaders of his church to get their thoughts. *Note: imagine if this took place today, how would our lives be different? The church leaders told him if acting was an immoral profession then he could not train others to do it. The church leaders wanted to make sure they had given him good advice so they wrote to another church where Cyprian was the pastor (I've said that I thought the pastor of this church was Polycarp but I was wrong it is Cyprian). Cyprian agreed with their advice, even though it was his sole means of support. But he went further in his advice back to this church. He said that they needed to be willing to support this man, since he was giving up his sole means of employment. If they couldn't, then send the man down to his church and they would support him.

There are a lot of things to think about in this story. First, the man wanted to get away from his profession because of how evil it was. Second, he sought advice from his church leaders on what to do. Third, I believe (the story doesn't say) that he went along with the churches advice. Fourth, the church took care of him since he was giving up his sole means of support. In todays day and age, this is not what happens at all. I don't think any of the 4 things I mentioned above are done, though I believe there is something for us in doing what the actor did.

We don't want to give up worldly pleasures. We do not want to ask the church for advice on what to do or how to handle a situation. Besides, we would not follow the advice given anyway, especially if it is something that we really wanted to do. We are a society that does whatever we want to do. The church is to legalistic, and in some cases this is true, to ask for advice and get a Holy Spirit inspired answer.

How far we have fallen from the early church. The book of Acts sets the example and through the centuries, we have watered it down. The church is not a living breathing body of believers, it is just a building. A relationship with Christ isn't attractive, but burdensome and not worth our time. The Bible isn't living and active but an irrelevant book that has nothing for us today. Praying takes time but if God had a cell phone so I could text Him, it would be better for me. This has become the American Christian's way of thinking. Where is the love? Where is the unity? Where is the one accord that we read about in Acts? It's only a 180 degree turn away. In another words, repentance is what is needed to bring us back to the model that Christ gave us in the book of Acts. What do you think?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, Monday...

Well, get ready to receive your email newsletter. I am on a completely different newsletter program that is offered on the internet and I'm pretty excited about it.

On another note, I received this in an email newsletter that I get from a pastor in Delaware. I believe it will make us all think in a good way. Blessings on this Monday!

Cleaning Up Your Act
by Rubel Shelly

When I was in junior high, a lady offered me some tropical fish. When I told my mother of the offer, she was willing. But we needed an aquarium.
It was actually my mother’s idea to be creative at that point. She recalled an old-fashioned gas pump that was rusting in an open field. Most of you aren’t old enough to remember, but gasoline pumps used to have big glass containers at the top. A manual lever pumped gas from the underground tank into a glass cylinder. Then you put the hose into your car’s gas tank, and gravity did the rest.
Sure enough, the glass in the abandoned gas pump was unbroken. We asked for and received permission to retrieve it. And the two of us set about to create the perfect environment for our soon-to-arrive tropical fish.
Only when we got it home did we realize how nasty the tank was. But we scrubbed and cleaned. Then we put in colored gravel, some plants, and an aerator. I claimed the fish and put them in their new environment. A nasty glass tank had become the ideal new home for seven beautiful and delicate creatures.
The next morning, two were belly-up. By the end of the day, two or three more had died. And by the following morning, not one was still alive. We knew we had done something wrong but had no idea what. So I went back to the lady who had given them to us and told her with embarrassment what had happened.
As I was explaining all our fuss and bother with creating just the right aquarium environment, she interrupted and said she knew what the trouble was. We had washed the tank with detergent, and that is an absolute no-no when dealing with such delicate creatures. Our uninformed efforts at trying to create something beautiful had killed what we were trying to receive and showcase.
Sometimes we do a very similar thing in families, work environments, or churches. In our zeal to clean up our lives or those of others, we use caustic cleansers – harsh criticism, nagging, condemnation, outbursts of temper. We think we are doing right and defending decency. But our harsh treatment of an immature child or fragile personality is more than some souls can bear.
Churches are notorious for being so caustic with a neophyte’s problem with drugs or a family’s breakup that the tender and still-in-formation people involved die to faith from the treatment they receive. Then people on the outside who see all the dead bodies floating to the surface (reasonably!) decide they want nothing to do with church. They don’t want to subject themselves to the same caustic process they have seen kill others.
All our acts need to be cleaned up. But accountability with patience and gentle encouragement are far better cleansers than judgment and scolding.
Rubel Shelly is a Preaching Minister at the Woodmont Hills Church of Christ. This article is from the July 21, 2008 issue of “The FAX of Life,” his weekly message, found at

Thursday, July 24, 2008


This past Sunday, I talked about how our perception keeps us going or causes us to doubt and be depressed. So many times we start the day walking in faith and then by the end of the day we are looking at our circumstances and taking our eyes off of Jesus. Even as a church, we can start out with vision for the future but as the struggles come and we don't see immediate results we begin to doubt, get frustrated, and maybe even begin to think the church is dying or just not going anywhere.

We looked at Peter in Matthew 14:29-30 AMP, where it says, "29He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus. 30But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]! Peter started out well but then let his perception be taken off of the Lord and on to his surroundings. This lead to him beginning to sink. Our perception is important in living by faith.

Hebrews 11:1 AMP tells us, "1NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. Now that last statement that I bolded and changed the color is a note from the Amplified Bible but it paints the picture of how our faith truly works. We cannot look at this world with our natural senses. We must look at everything through eyes of faith. And let the Holy Spirit help us in perceiving our every day situations.

Sunday, we will continue "OVERHAULIN: Rethinking Church" by looking at vision and it's importance. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Alright, here it is... I'm FRUSTRATED! I am in the process of putting together an email newsletter for our church and it doesn't want to cooperate with me. I am using Microsoft Publisher and trying to send it through Outlook. However, no one uses Outlook here so I cannot get it to send. And I can't figure out how to set up Outlook to make it work. If anyone has any other ideas of how to send out a well done email newsletter that I can use with any email server, please let me know. We are in the process of putting together a web-site that is not quite functional yet, if that would help with anything. Is there anyone out there that can help me?

What a Start!

Sunday we began our series, Overhaulin, which will take us through the summer. I am really excited about this series for what it means for our church. I really believe that we need to change somethings to reach out to as many people as we can and be effective in doing this, as time draws nearer for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I felt that things started well this past Sunday and I look forward to how things will continue to progress as the days go on. Please be willing to shake out the man-made ideas that fill our heads of what church should be and look like. We want to truly be a family where no one feels left behind or forgotten.

Also, be encouraged to begin and/or keep on praying and fasting for all of this as well, because we don't want to replace man-made ideas with more man-made ideas. We want the Holy Spirit to intervene and do the changes that He wants to do.

On a more specific note, personalize your prayers as you pray through this time. I'm asking Jesus to fill me with more passion for Him, the lost, and each of you so that I would be able to show compassion and empathy in every situation and not laziness and selfishness. We are in the people business and it is ALL about the people. It's about unity and coming together to see GREAT things take place. Let's OVERHAUL!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Thanks to Nick Poole for the design of our new sermon series starting this week: Overhaulin': Rethinking Church. We are going to look at what is the New Life Center all about and begin to look at what changes need to be made so that we might be more effective in reaching out to this community. This week we will look at Overhaulin our Perception. Stay tuned for more.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Favorite Athlete

I have a favorite pro-athlete and his name is Josh Hamilton. I can remember reading about him in Sports Illustrated when he was the #1 overall pick in the 1999 Major League Baseball Draft by the Tampa Bay Rays. He was supposed to be a can't miss prospect. His talent was derailed when he got caught up in going to a tattoo parlor where he began doing more than just getting tattoos. Drugs and alcohol became his life till 2005. He went through many trials during those years but his grandmother was praying for him. He gave his life to Jesus Christ and has not been the same since. After being reinstated into the MLB after being suspended for numerous failed drug tests in those early years, he began to show the promise that made him a #1 overall pick.

He now plays for the Texas Rangers. (Side note: When he is up to bat the song "Saved the Day" by Phillips, Craig and Dean plays over the loud speakers.) He was voted into the All-Star Game that airs tonight and participated in the Home Run Derby last night. He hit a record 28 homers in the first round but then ran out of gas in the final and lost. But when interviewed said he wanted to thank his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and that the glory all goes to Him. It was powerful. It's always awesome seeing the transforming power of Jesus Christ at work. Someday I will meet Josh Hamilton. What a great day that will be.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Can't Come Down!

What a blessed day yesterday! We started Sunday morning out with the reading of Joshua 6:15-16, the blowing of the shofar, and the people shouting for the city. I truly believe that the Lord has given us this city and that there is still greater things to be done in this city.

Sometimes I don't always appreciate all that God is doing here, nor do I always acknowledge it. Forgive me Lord! I truly repent for that. Lately, I've been so focused on where we are going as a church and being stretched in areas that need stretching that I can fail to see what God is doing and get focused on the task at hand. Just like in Nehemiah 4:10 where it says, "Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, 'The strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.'" They had already done a lot of work on the wall but it paled in comparison with the rubble of rocks that was still left. It was enough to knock the wind out of their sails.

Many times this is how I can begin to feel. Then God begins to remind me of all that He is doing and has done and that if I will keep on saying, just like Nehemiah when confronted by his enemies "I can't come down", then things will continue to move forward. God has placed me here for such a time as this and I must use every second wisely in spreading the kingdom of God. And that goes for you as well. God has placed you here for such a time as this. There are many things that can get us down and cause us to take our eyes off of Jesus and put it on the rubble around us. Big mistake! For the rubble around us will one day be the foundation and walls in our relationship with Jesus, if we will hold on and keep our focus.

So repeat after me... "I CAN'T COME DOWN, Satan!"

Thanks to Amber (Good) Davidson for the sermon on the phrase "I can't come down." She preached on this while we were both at VFCC at a chapel one day and it has stuck with me ever since.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pebble Beach

Bethany and I read a devotion the other night that talked about Pebble Beach in California. Here is a picture of that beach. It said how the surf pounds the pebbles and they rub up against each other making beautiful pebbles. Most people want to come to this beach and get a pebble to take home with them. It also said how if you go down the beach a little bit that there is a little cove full of pebbles. The only problem is that they are shielded from the pounding surf. So they are not as smooth and polished as the ones shown here. And nobody wants one of them.
We can be the pebbles that avoid the pounding of the surf but then we will never experience the smoothness and beauty that comes from the trials we experience in our everyday life. Trials are not something to run from they are something to walk through with Jesus Christ by our side so that we can become the beautiful creation that He created us to be.
Now when you think of pounding surf, or trials, they can come in all shapes and forms. Something that was made known to me yesterday is that other Christians can be used as the pounding surf. Most of us don't like to think about that. We try to avoid certain people because we don't agree with them or don't like the way they act. But those very things could be what we need to knock off some rough spots and polish us up a little more. As humans, we tend to run from what differs from our thoughts and opinions and take comfort in the familiar. We bring that mindsight into our walk with the Lord. But as Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another," this is what it is all about. This process, if you know about the stiking of iron against iron, is not a pretty process. You can imagine the pain that would come from this if iron actually had feelings and could talk. He might avoid it all together and be happy being dull. But who wants to be dull? I don't. Sometimes my brain tells me I do so as to avoid struggles and trials but that is not what the Christian walk is about.
I am trying to see what I can learn from everyone I come in contact with. Even those that I don't agree with and struggle with. There is still something to learn from pressing in and not letting them dictate how I grow and don't grow. I choose to love them and continue to let Jesus Christ do the changes in me and them that He needs to do.
Lord, may I accept the pounding waves that come into my life to smooth and polish me. I can get through it with You. Amen.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More Thoughts from Yesterday

1 Thessalonians 5:21 AMP
21But test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast.

1 John 4:1 AMP
1BELOVED, DO not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world.

I didn't have a chance to look up these scriptures yesterday but I wanted to make sure to include them. I never wanted to do the hard work that it takes to find out what God wants to speak to you in a given situation. I always wanted someone to tell me. The only problem with that is first we need to look to Jesus for everything. Secondly, we never develop the spiritual ear to hear what God is speaking to us. The only ear we have is to listen to everyone around us. There are many great things we can learn from others and God does use others to teach us. But at the same time we must also be willing to do our homework to make sure what we are being taught is truly scriptural. It is difficult, but if we can develop our spiritual ears to hear, how much more will we know as God reveals Himself to us. You don't want to miss out on what God has for YOU! So let us all press in and do the homework of testing everything through scripture.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Dr. Marino and Theology Class

I want to begin to share somethings that the Lord has been laying on my heart. Jesus has really been teaching me some interesting lessons. One of them has been seeking Him for what to believe and what not to believe. Let me explain.

Back in the day (96-00), in college Theology class with Dr. Bruce Marino, I would always take a C in the class by passing the exam. If you wanted to get an A or B you had to do a paper. I never did the paper because I didn't understand Theology class. We would walk in and talk about topics and people would raise their hands and share their thoughts on the subject. It was very interesting discussion on topics but I would always wait for Dr. Marino to tell us what we needed to believe. And do you know what?... he never did. I couldn't handle it. All my life I was told what to believe and here I am in college preparing for ministry and no one is telling me what to believe and what not to believe. It was frustrating to me.

Fast forward now to 2008. Here I am a pastor and I'm just figuring out the important lesson he was teaching us. I need to be able to wrestle in prayer and study scripture to know what I believe and what I do not believe. Yes, we have parents and spiritual mentors to help us along the way. But my point is that we can't just look to man to tell us what to believe. We have to seek Jesus. More to come.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What a Blessed Time Last Night!

Last night, Stan Heffner and the choir that he put together that will forever be known as Rushing Wind, did a wonderful job. Things started out a little tight, which happens when you get nervous from singing in front of a live audience for the first time, but once we all calmed down it was great. We were playing gospel music and you could see kids getting into the beat as they walked past. People were stopping and listening as they walked past. The music was impacting a wide spectrum of people. I look forward to seeing where the choir goes from here. Stan is believing for more people to be interested. If you are interested in singing gospel music with a lot of harmony and beat, send a reply to this post with your name and how Stan can contact you and I will be sure to pass it along to him.

It was also a first, as Isaiah got to ride some of the rides, thanks to Pap Pap Garris and Anna Trimarchi and Kaitlyn Brumbaugh. He enjoyed every second. When the ride stopped and the guy came to unbuckle him, Isaiah looked up at him and said, "Again." It was precious.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Join Us Tonight...

I hope to see all of you tonight, July 2, at 6:00 pm in the Ford City Park for Heritage Days to listen to the choir that our very own Stan Heffner has put together. It should be a great time and I believe you all will enjoy it. It has a little something for everyone. And I will be there strumming my guitar for a couple of the songs. Bring a friend, a neighbor, a coworker, an enemy, and bring them down. It will truly be some good ole' family intertainment.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's JULY!

What a powerful service this past Sunday as we continued to look at "To Eternity and Beyond" and more specifically Hell as an eternal place. I really felt the Holy Spirit moving in that message and I pray that none of us will be the same.

This week I am getting some much needed study time on the history of the early church as I prepare for my next series called "Overhaulin". I want to see us do an overhaul of the New Life Center so that we can be more effective in seeing souls saved and lives healed, not just in the church, but wherever we might be. I will need everyones cooperation as we wrestle through how everything is done in this church, making sure it alligns with scripture, and doing it with excellence. We, as a church, have not reached our potential. There is still much work for us to do and I am praying that as we walk through this series, hearts and minds will be brought into unity with one another and ultimately with Jesus. Please be praying. We are going to begin to do somethings differently which means change and I know that change can be hard but I also believe that the change that is coming is going to bring greater effectiveness in reaching out to this community in the power of Jesus Christ.

Please begin to pray that you are ready for what God wants to do here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grace, Grace, God's Grace...

Good Thursday to everyone out there in the blogosphere! I just wanted to share this video that I found on another blog. It tells a lot about what Jesus has done for us in a humorous way. I look forward to this Sunday as we continue our series "To Eternity and Beyond." This week will be a little challenging but I know that Jesus will get me through.

Monday, June 23, 2008

What a Weekend!

What a great time we had yesterday morning at church. God is so GOOD! I also want to take time to thank everyone who helps make Sunday morning what it is. Without Sunday school teachers, childrens church workers, nursery workers, worship team members, sound room and computer operators, ushers, greeters, the hospitality corner, those who lock up, and those who do things that are unnoticed (but never unappreciated) where would the church be? Keep praying as we pursue seeing everyone involved somewhere. What ever you are passionate about, we want to see you minister in.

I also wanted to say it was refreshing to watch the Disney movie "Camp Rock" with my family. Isaiah loved the music in the movie and would get up and dance and play his ball popper which is his guitar at home. It was a good clean movie with an excellent message of being yourself and not putting on a show just to try and fit in.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Butterfly Effect

Snare drum roll please... this is my 100th post! Oh Yeah! Just thought you would all like to know that.

The Butterfly Effect is a phrase that refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. Of course the butterfly cannot literally cause a tornado. The kinetic energy in a tornado is enormously larger than the energy in the turbulence of a butterfly. The kinetic energy of a tornado is ultimately provided by the sun and the butterfly can only influence certain details of weather events in a chaotic manner.

In thinking of this, my thoughts have wondered to my words and my actions and the change they can bring or not bring. I don't think we take time to think about eternity enough and how eternity for us can be affected by our words and actions. I know I speak words and act out without even thinking about the consequences they might bring. They could bring a tornado or when spoken and done with love divert a tornado. Even the smallest word or action that I might say can cause a ripple effect in the spiritual atmosphere of the church and my family.

Especially now with Isaiah being old enough to hear words and repeat them. The other day we heard him repeat a word that we do not say in our house. He heard someone else saying it, understood what it meant, and presceded to use it. Bethany and I had to bring correction to him and explain that we don't use that word because it is a very negative word. But it has made me think of all the negative words I say and the negative actions I commit that don't bring life but hinder and even destroy it.

I need Jesus to guard everything I say and do, not just for Bethany, Isaiah, and Chloe's sake, but for the sake of all who come to the New Life Center. And we need to have that same mentality. We do not want to usher in tornado's we want to divert them.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Must See...

Check this video out. His name is Brian Welch and he is the former lead guitar player of a band called Korn. If you have never heard of Korn, watch the video and you will learn what they are all about. This is a powerful testimony.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Whale Seat

Sometimes I wonder why I'm so distracted. I'm a guy who wants to get things done but I tend to push the envelope on when those things need to be done. I drag my feet. Find other things to do. And basically stay away from what I need to get done. Typing that makes me feel like I spend a lot of time sitting in the whale, like Jonah, running from what God wants me to get done because I don't want to do it or I have other things that I would rather do. Help me Lord, to not drag my feet from the calling and responsibility that You have given me to lead people into a greater relationship with You.

I named this year for the New Life Center, The Year of Fine Tuning So We Can Give Birth. The fine tuning, that I believe the Lord is showing me, is how we do church. I read a book called Fusion by Nelson Searcy on how to assimilate first time guests into your church. His words challenged me to want to do everything with excellence. Why? Because each Sunday morning God gives us people who need to hear His Word. We can wait for worship to start and hope that that draws them and keeps them coming. We can pray that my message knocks their socks off and they want to come back until they find Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Or we can catch them at the door, helping them get rid of the earthly distractions that Satan is throwing their way to keep them distracted, and usher them into an experience with God that could change their life. That third choice is the best. So there is a lot of work to be done.

The problem I face that keeps me from launching is where to start. But it isn't always about where to start as much as it is about starting somewhere, anywhere, just as long as I start.

This morning as I held my son on the couch, because he decided to wake up at 6:00am, I began to think about what do we want to give birth to. I kept thinking a big move of God in this area and He helped me shrink that down today. I want to give birth to ministries that disciple men and women to be all they can be for Jesus. I want to give birth to a move of the Spirit that gets us away from talking negatively and draws us into speaking positively to everyone. Where we have a genuine concern and love for everyone who walks into the door. And everything we do is done with excellence, not just to do it so we look better than other churches but to do it because it is the way Christ would want it done. That we would all be and feel part of the OHANA, the family, that no one would be left behind or forgotten.

I type all of this to say that we are going to rethink the way we do church. Our vision is the same, reaching the people of Ford City, Kittanning, and all of Armstrong County. Our mission is the same building God's OHANA. We are just going to sharpen that and bring more clarity and direction to it. So pray for me that I can remain focused and not get distracted as I pursue doing everything with excellence.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just Being Lazy

It has been a while since I blogged. I've been a little lazy. I'm in a meeting learning how to cast vision. It has been 4 years since I became the pastor of the NLC and I'm still developing vision. I'm learning how to process what is in my heart. There is so much in there and getting it out and put together has been hard. I haven't always understood how to do everything but as this year is called, "The Year of Fine Tuning so We Can Give Birth", I'm finding out just how much tuning I've needed and how much I need to bring to the NLC. These next few months I am hoping to implement the ideas I'm learning so that we all know what the NLC is all about. It is going to be an exciting ride and I hope we all will enjoy it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Thank you to everyone praying for me as I did Ford City's Baccalaureate. It went well. I admit I was a little nervous preaching in Christ Prince of Peace, which is a Catholic church. I wanted to respect them and their beliefs so as not to come across arrogant, especially since a lot of the parents who were there are Catholic. If you want to win people for Jesus you got to empathize with them and I did my best to respect. The guys shook my hands and told me a I did a good job. Time will tell what God does in their hearts. I gave each of them a Young Adult New Testament Study Bible and encouraged them to pursue an encounter with Jesus. I let them know they could call me anytime if they had any questions or wanted to talk. I also let them know that they can call out to Jesus for any and everything that they can think of because God is big enough to hear and answer. Keep praying for God's will to be done from this opportunity.

Blessings to all of you on this Wednesday.