Thursday, August 28, 2008

Problem Stalker

It's been a week since I blogged last. Where does time go? I sat down to blog yesterday and ran out of time. I really enjoy blogging and receiving comments, I just get so busy doing other things that I forget to share my thoughts.

I've been wrestling with a lot of issues this week. One thing that I've found out about myself is that I can be a Problem Stalker. That's right... I stalk problems. Instead of just taking them to the Lord in prayer, I stalk them with stealth like reflexes. I ask questions of others to help me find more info about the problem. I think through all possible avenues of what a conversation might be with the person who has the problem. I think, and think, and think, through the problem till I can't sleep at night. Why? If I would learn to cast my cares (anxieties) upon Jesus because He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7), I would be a better, not to mention more effective, leader. And since Jesus is the head of this church, it's up to Him to navigate each problem anyway. So pray that I can break away from being a problem stalker and learn to trust Jesus for everything. Slowly but surely, I'm learning. Not to mention that I named my year learning to trust in who Jesus says He is. God will always bring you through things that you are asking Him to bring you through. It just doesn't always look like you would like it to.

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