Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hidden Sackcloth 2

In 2 Kings 6, it talks about two women who were going to eat their babies because of a severe famine in the land. When the king of Israel heard this, it disturbed him and he put on sackcloth and was walking on the wall. As people got closer to him on the wall, they could see the sackcloth under his royal robes. Now you have to understand, sackcloth was worn to mourn and in repentance. So to have it on meant something was wrong. Here the king of Israel has it on because of what is going on in Israel, but he doesn't want anybody to know. But as they get closer, they can see it.

This is what happens in todays church. We have so much hurt and pain and need for repentance, but instead of admitting it, we try and hide it under a facade. The problem is though, as people get closer to us they can see that their is a problem. And yet most of the time we are still unwilling to admit it. Why? If we really and truly believe that Jesus brings freedom to the captives, hope to the hopeless, love for the brokenhearted, then why is the church full of people captive, hopeless, and brokenhearted? It's because we are unwilling to admit things. Can we not overcome our pride and admit when their is a problem, a failure in our life, and find the help we need in Jesus and others? Can we not cry out to Jesus in church and not care what others think?

We must all be willing to get close to others in this day and age so that we can spur one another on. It is to easy to rely on email, text messaging, etc. and not see people face to face or hear a voice. But we are never going to escape our need for fellowship and interaction with others. We must become honest with ourselves and with others so that we can find the true healing and freedom that Jesus brings. I believe as we can do this, we will see healing in the marriages and relationships that have been strained through the years. Now is not the time to be a lone ranger. Now is the time to enter into fellowship.

It's in fellowship that we learn and grow in being strong men and women of God. It's in fellowship that we can learn and grow to be a better husband/wife to our spouse. It's in fellowship that we can learn and grow in being a better father/mother to our child. We all need taught in all of these areas, if we would only have a teachable spirit and be willing to seek Jesus and get involved with others so that we can ask questions. To not ask questions is to never understand and truly grasp what is being taught. Let's not hide our pain. Let's bring it out into the open and get through it.

Lord, I repent for the times that I have reacted wrongly when being confided in. I realize that as a human, I can say and do some pretty dumb things. But I pray that you will help me and everyone overcome these tendancies so that we could be used by You to bring help to those who are hurting. May I and everyone else grow in being a true friend and someone that others can confide in. We all need relationships, first with You most importantly, and then with others. Give us a desire to grow in our relationship with You and with others. May we no longer hide our troubles and struggles but admit them so that we can overcome them. Satan will no longer hold us down, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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