Monday, September 22, 2008

My Weekend

Well, what a weekend. My wife enjoyed the Penn/Del pastors wives retreat. Her, Billie, and Chloe, set off Friday at around 1 pm. After they left, Isaiah and I got ready and went to cut great grandpa's grass. Isaiah loves watching me cut grass. When I was done, he helped sweep the grass off of the sidewalk. Great grandma gave him a dollar to get a pop when we went shopping. It was fun.

This pic is from Saturday night. Him and I love drinking homemade strawberry milkshakes which consists of strawberry ice cream and milk. He got his cup and his fancy straw, layed down in front of the tv to watch Camp Rock Freestyle Jam. I thought it was cool how he set everything up and had to take a pic.

It was a great weekend. We failed to catch the Wiggles but did get to watch the Imagination Movers Saturday morning. I enjoyed the time with him but missed Bethany and Chloe. It's good to have them all home again. Isaiah would agree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you missed Wiggles because Saturday was a day long marathon of imagination movers! I finally had to shut it off! I swear my kids would have kept watching it all day long if I let them! Tristan was in his glory because he loves that show!