Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11

On this day, we are reminded of what happened 7 years ago. I don't know where you were or what you were doing but I can say it is probably something that is ingrained in your memory. I was still living at my parents at the time. I had gotten up like any other day, did my devotions, fixed myself up, and headed to work. Elyn, my secretary was crying and I had no idea why. She began to explain what had happened. I couldn't believe it. I had such a weird feeling inside. It was supposed to be a day of celebration, as the Riggle family was getting together in the evening to celebrate my Grandma Riggle's birthday. It turned out to be a very solemn occassion. Bethany and I were just friends at the time but she called me because she was a little nervous about what was going on.

These memories are so vivid as I think back. I don't remember a lot of things as years go by, but that is one time where everything is burned into my memory.

So what about you? Do you remember where you were and what you were doing?

Many prayer meetings and vigils took place here in Ford City. And some continued on for a few years in rememberance. But like most things, it gets forgotten and does not take on as much meaning as it did when it first happened. We go back to living our lives but do we actually? Or like other things that have happened in history, do we just sweep it under the carpet and not truly recognize the sacrifice that many families were forced to make because of this tragedy, not to mention the sacrifices that many families are still making as the war on terror continues. America still needs us to remember. America still needs us to pray. Not just on September 11, but everyday.

Let us wake up to the reality that our time is short and we do not know the day or hour when our time will come. But I pray that whenever that day and hour is, we will be found doing the Lord's work.

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