Monday, August 9, 2010

Let the Little Children Come to Me...

I find it so hard to blog everyday.  In fact, I find it hard to blog once a week.  But here goes me blogging about what's on my mind this second week in August.

Yesterday, I was preaching on the Armor of God.  At the end of my message I always give opportunity for people to embrace the cross of Christ, as I close in prayer.  There was a grandma there who had brought her grandchild with her.  (I believe she is 4 years old.)  The grandchild did not want to go to Children's Church so she stayed with her grandma.  As I gave the call to know Jesus, the grandchild's hand shot up to my surprise.  She was looking right at me with her hand raised.  I was caught off guard and not sure what to do or if she understood but asked the grandma if she could bring her up front.  I didn't want to scare her or make her nervous so I asked her if I could pray for her.  She said, "Yes."  I asked her if I could lay my hand on her shoulder and she said, "Yes," again.  So I prayed God's blessings upon her as she took this step.  I encouraged her grandma to talk with her grandchild and help her understand what it means to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.  I thought it would be better for her to be able to talk to someone she knows and ask any questions she may have.

Grandma reported to me today that her grandchild was so excited after church.  She went and told everyone in her family that she had blessings prayed on her at church.  Most of which do not know go to church.  This little girl and her excitement over having blessings prayed on her at church could be the key to her whole family coming to know Christ.  Pray and believe with me.  I find this such an awesome testimony on this Monday that has found me dragging a bit because of a sickness that I cannot shake.  I'm so blessed to pastor the New Life Center at such a time as this.  God is doing great things in young and old alike.  So pumped for what God is doing and going to do.

Also, check out our Back 2 School Blast at  It's an event that will be held in Ford City Park August 28.  Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are eligible for free school supplies but they must be registered by visiting the site above.  Check it out.


Brad said...

The kingdom of heaven does belong to such as these! Great story. May she continue in the faith and continue to encourage you all to deeper faith and joy in Jesus Christ.


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