Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wild Wednesdays!

What an awesome Wednesday night. We seem to be having great discussions every Wednesday that get better and better. We got on to talking about experiencing God for yourself. It can be so easy to hear a sermon on Sunday or Wednesday and think, "Wow, that was powerful" but never do anything else with it. If someone tells me that God can heal, I need to believe it and step out and begin to pray for people. Not just take the persons word for it and never put it into action. Oh, to live out what the Bible says!

We also got into expectation. We need to EXPECT! This word has stirred me up. I looked its definition up in Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary and it said, "to be pregnant; anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of." When a woman in pregnant, they expect that a baby is soon coming. I believe this church is pregnant with a move of God and we need to continue to expect great things. And not just the church but YOU! Each one of you has things being birthed inside of you and there needs to be an expectation of those things coming forth. We don't just come Sundays and Wednesdays to come. I pray that we don't. Come because God is moving and we are expecting His moving in our lives. And don't just expect on Sundays and Wednesdays, expect everyday. Become aware of what is going on around you by keeping your eyes on Jesus. Ask Him to circumcise your ears and eyes to hear and see in the Spirit. And begin to WAIT on Him for what He would speak to you. We'll get into WAIT this Sunday.

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