Friday, September 21, 2007


What fears do you have? Wednesday night I shared a fear of mine. (I'm not trying to be disgusting.) I shared that I fear driving long distances with others because I have to use the bathroom a lot. Most people don't like to make to many stops so this brings about fear in me which just makes me have to go to the bathroom more. Unless I'm driving because then I know I can pull over whenever I need to.
The response of the people... laughter. They thought my fear was funny. As I thought about this yesterday, I thought just how funny our fears are to a MIGHTY God who is bigger and greater than any fear. I'm not saying that He is laughing at us but that if we truly look at what makes afraid it usually isn't much. We fear spiders, around here they are not to big. We fear the dark. We fear snakes. These things have all been learned because of things we've heard or seen on tv or in movies. We need to truly look at what we are afraid of and start letting them go. Our fears are not to big for God. They can only hold us back from going places that are far away and require multiple hours to get to. My fears will not hold me back. Take them away Lord and let there be bathrooms all along the way.
So what are you afraid of? Let's get rid of the fear in Jesus name!


Tina Cholak said...

God has been dealing with me about my fears also.When you tell other people about your fears they sound so silly.God thinks they're silly too.I mean we are talking about a God who put a man in the belly of a whale! Do you think he was scared?The Lord was reminding me of some of my fears lately.
I'm scared of spiders,snakes,rats,heights,flying,enclosed places,going fast,roller coasters,things that spin,speaking in front of people,traveling alone,driving in the snow and ice on and on I go!If we want to trample the devil and walk in authority we cannot do it in fear.Lord help us to put our convidence in you I pray Lord I do not operate out of fear!!!

Anonymous said...

I find that as I face my many fears they have less and less of a hold on me. As I grow in my walk with the Lord, my fears (especailly of the unknown)are becoming less and less. I was deathly afraid of ever getting on a plane. My first time was on a missions trip to Cuba with pastor Chuck. Throughout the whole trip God's presence was so near that I had joy in my heart even when things was not going so well for a while. As I continue to walk with the Lord, I am having an easier time facing my fears and not even fearing some of the things I used to.

Trimarchi Warriors said...

I have alot of trouble with speaking and praying in front of people. I was at the prayer meeting last night and I told PC that the reason I was in the back was because I hate attention. Well thats true in some ways. When we were in South Carolina I was on a Worship dance team. I was afriad to dance in front of people but once I got out there the 2nd time I was fine. I had to get used to it. I get to a point in my life when I get comfortable. When I get in that comfy zone, I don't want to move out. See thats the danger. If you watn to experience God, but you don't want to to somthing out of your comfy zone then your going to miss it. It takes alot but you keep going higher and higher and you get into a comfy zone that allows you more freedom. So each time that I pray or speak infront of people I am moving outside of that zone. Are you willing to move outside of that you comfortable zone?