Wednesday, September 19, 2007

OHANA is UNITY which means POWER!

My vision is to be an OHANA. OHANA is Hawaiin for family and family means no one is left behind or forgotten. It is a thought that came from the movie Lilo and Stitch but it is a powerful thought.
I just got done with an hour long prayer session that I've been a part of with 5 other churches. We have been gathering each weekday of September and fasting and praying for our community. God gave me a vision of sending out letters to community businesses repenting of not being a more community minded church and asking them for specific prayer requests which led to praying throughout the month of September (and will lead us to praying through October). We sent out over 70 letters and got back 8, which I consider a tithe. And we've been praying for them and for our churches. The power that has been present and released in the ministries of the pastors has been awesome to see. We have pentecostals praying with methodists praying with presbyterians praying with nazarenes. And we are not holding back. This is pray in tongues, pray out loud, cry out, prophecy, don't hold back prayer to God. We are serious about what we are doing. And we believe that Ford City and Kittanning are going to change. In fact, Ford City's mayor even stopped down Monday and we were able to lift him up in prayer. God is breaking down strongholds that need broke down because we are all apart of His OHANA. No one should be forgotten or left behind. He is bringing His family together and I am blessed to be part of His movement in this community.
Satan, we're tearing down strongholds by the shed blood of Jesus! Watch out! We are an OHANA and where there is unity... there is power.


Debby F. said...

Hi PC!

Enjoyed reading your first blog! Looking forward to more!

God bless!

dave longstreth said...

Prayer is the foundation of the power of God working in His church and in the lives of His people. Great to see you on here. I just started a blog today also!

Tina Cholak said...

What a joy to see all denominations of believers coming toghether for prayer.This is God's heart.he is coming back for ONE pure and spotless bride.He is meeting us at our hungger level.Let's hunger more for him!!!Our God is a supernatural God! We tend to put him in a box too much.Let's lift our vision higher to see all the churches in Armstrong county on fire for Jesus!!The ministry of Jesus was heal the sick,raise the dead ,cast out demons,set the captives free!His word says we (the Church) will do greater things than these.This ministry is for all of God's people not just the pentacostals.Lord empower your people to do your will!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1 Chronicles chapter 12 tells the story of David, who was banished from the presence of Saul, and was staying in Ziklag. Many were coming to support and aid David. The men of Issachar are given special mention here because they understood what God was doing in bringing David to the throne as his anointed. They knew what they should do. It needs to be the same with us folks! We need to understand the times and to be able to discern what God is doing and when he is doing it and to know our role!

Another key in verse 33 is undivided loyalty. There is no power plays, no cliques; no separate agendas just total focus to help David. Everyone with the same vision and the same focus is necessary for victory. They were all in one mind to make David king.

Verse 38 says they volunteered to serve in the ranks. They were willing to serve in the capacity that they were needed and were fully determined to see it through.

We will miss out on a great move of God if we fail to discern what he is doing and when he wants to do it. When we put ourselves in the right spiritual posture to hear from him we must serve him with undivided loyalty and with full determination! The time has come for the need of a great revival. Let us put away our petty differences, our mellow drama, and get focused on what God wants. We must understand the time we are living in! What do you think?