Monday, October 1, 2007

10 x's Better

Daniel 1:20 (New Living Translation)
20 Whenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment, he found them ten times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom.

Daniel and his friends are smart, goodlooking, young men who fear God. (Read Daniel 1) After going through the same training that the wise men of Babylon go through they are put to the test. So what you have is 4 men of God up against everything that Satan tempts us with in todays society. You had those who look at the stars to tell the future. You had those who looked at palms and cards to tell the future. All witchcraft in different forms. And do you know who comes out on top... (drum roll please) Daniel and his friends. And not only do they come out on top they are found to be 10x more capable than any of Satans ploys to undermine who God is. Their wisdom and judgement find no one even close to them.

Now isn't that what the world should see in us? I want the world to come to me and see that the wisdom and judgement I have through Jesus is 10x's better than anything they have found in the world. And that is all because of Jesus! This should be our hearts cry. IS it yours?

Lord, give me favor in all of my dealings that others would see You and hear You when I speak. That what I say and how I live, would be 10x's better than anything this world has to offer. Amen.


Tina Cholak said...

The Lord reveals to us wisdom,knowledge and revalation for his purposes.Not to make us look wise to the world .Hosea 4:6 warns us of the consequences of rejecting the knowledge of God.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:,I will also reject thee,that thou shalt be no priest to me:seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God,I will also forget thy children.
The knowledge of God is essential to our survival and growth.I don't mean knowing about Him but knowing Him.When we know Him we know His ways.(And they are not our own)As we learn His ways,we create the environment in which He will display His magnificence among us.

Tina Cholak said...

An after thought.

I corinthians 2:13