Tuesday, October 30, 2007

One Day at a Time...

I was thinking about small beginnings. In Zechariah 4:10 New Living Translation it says, "Do not despise these small beginnings." As I thought about this verse, I came up with this picture. What if each day as we wake up, God gives us a brick (not trying to weigh anybody down) and what we do with that brick is very important. We may think to ourselves, all I have is one brick and what good is one brick? But if we put that brick down on the ground where it belongs and do the same thing the next day with that brick, and the next day and so forth and so on. Eventually what was only one brick becomes a foundation. What was only a foundation is now a wall. What was only a foundation and wall now has 4 walls. Soon it will have a roof and when completed will be a BIG beautiful building.

Now thinking that way what if we put our dreams and visions in that brick. God wants to birth something in us and in the NLC and each day He is giving us something to add to the birthing process. What He gives us may be small and look to be of little value but as time goes on and days add up ,the small stuff we started with becomes a great big beautiful God sized baby.

We must only be willing to live each day in God's hand and timing. And make sure that the small things He gives us are not wasted or thrown away but set in their rightful place so that eventually the dreams and visions He gave us come to pass.

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