Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pentecost Sunday...
As a Pentecostal pastor, I believe that everyone can be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I want everyone to experience this gift of power that God has given to us. I want to preach about it and see people filled and speaking in tongues. (Note: I don't believe you need to speak in tongues to be saved.) But does this come across as being pushy?
I want the children to be taught, the youth to be taught, everyone to be taught about it. The key to overcoming could be to teach on the importance of the baptism in the Holy Spirit? I don't want anyone to have a bad experience nor to feel like a failure. That isn't what the Holy Spirit is all about.
What has been your experience with the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? Do you have any thoughts in how to minister to the people mentioned above and for me in preaching about it? Your thoughts, comments, and questions are appreciated.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Love Never Fails...
I thought these two videos were powerful on how "Love never fails!" (1 Cor. 13:8).
This morning, with these videos in my thoughts, I read about Elisha in 2 Kings 6. He was giving away the Arameans position to the king of Israel, and the Arameans got mad at him. When they came to kill Elisha, he wasn't afraid. He prayed to God to blind them, lead them to Samaria and the king of Israel, and had a banquet prepared for them. Basically, he blind folded them and took them to a surprise party in their honor. He could have reacted in fear, prayed to God to kill them all, and went on with his life. But he didn't. I'm not saying he did this out of love for the Arameans, but I wonder how many Arameans turned to the Lord after this? Maybe none, but who knows. It's something to think about as we go about our daily routines. Love wins. But it has to be real love, the kind of love that comes only through knowing Jesus.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Importance of Worship
About a week ago I had lunch with a friend in Norway who has a priest education and also has a great insight in the Greek language... He reads old New Testament Greek like I read English, sort of... Our talk drifted to praise and worship... Geir, that is his name, then tells me that the Greek word in the origin text used for "worship" in the New Testament actually means "to lean in and kiss"... This tidbit of information exploded within me and the curiosity in me asked on... Yes Geir continues to say that the word for worship could just as well be translated "to kiss intimately and deeply..." Imagine that I have finally received a good explanation of what worship not only is but means and is all about. From now on it will be easy to explain to new believers and fresh disciples why worship has such depth and always is so refreshing!When two people who are in love kiss, then intimacy and closeness between the two is created, but at the same time it also refreshes... To worship and honor God is in other words to kiss God initimately, deeply, and with passion! Worship will created closeness, joy as well as ignite and kindle the fire! I love worship!
We have to worship in the right place! Worshipping God early in the morning in the kitchen or in a house church among disciples is wonderful as well as refershing but maybe not so in the city square or in front of unbelievers... I have been thinking... I have always felt kinda embarrased when I have seen a couple making out in the open, on the commuter train or on a bus... On the verge of offensive and unpleasant... When it comes to kissing one does not want to be an observer. Worship should not be observed. Worship should not be performed or showed in concert form. This is why we in Mission SOS have drawn a clear line between festival music / Christian performance and praise and worship. When seekers are present a message is to be proclaimed or lovesickly smeared in . Worship is for Jesus loving disciples but probably belongs more in the prayer closet and in the church service with and among believers rather than in public, in society. Worship may never be exploited. Praise and worship is to kiss God in Spirit and in Truth, just as Jesus said! (John 4:23-24) Kiss God a lot this summer - It will make you crazy for him!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I'm really excited to see how things are progressing with the sanctuary. I know everyone is looking forward to getting back into the sanctuary, which will happen soon. I want to thank everyone for their patience. I can feel the desire to move out of the fellowship hall and get back into the sanctuary, which we were all hoping would have happened by now. A few last minute details can change everything. But we will be there in time for the Mark Cahill outreach which will be June 6 and 7.
I want to encourage everyone to continue to pray for the Mark Cahill outreach. If you can hang up posters, they are in the foyer. Handouts for friends, neighbors, etc. are also available in the foyer. Be encouraged to spread the word via email, facebook, etc. and invite as many people as you can. I am so excited to see the lives that will be changed as people are introduced to the life changer, Jesus Christ. That is what this outreach is all about... lives changed by His power and for His glory. This area will not be the same.