Thursday, May 21, 2009

Love Never Fails...

I thought these two videos were powerful on how "Love never fails!" (1 Cor. 13:8).

This morning, with these videos in my thoughts, I read about Elisha in 2 Kings 6. He was giving away the Arameans position to the king of Israel, and the Arameans got mad at him. When they came to kill Elisha, he wasn't afraid. He prayed to God to blind them, lead them to Samaria and the king of Israel, and had a banquet prepared for them. Basically, he blind folded them and took them to a surprise party in their honor. He could have reacted in fear, prayed to God to kill them all, and went on with his life. But he didn't. I'm not saying he did this out of love for the Arameans, but I wonder how many Arameans turned to the Lord after this? Maybe none, but who knows. It's something to think about as we go about our daily routines. Love wins. But it has to be real love, the kind of love that comes only through knowing Jesus.

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