Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another First...

I've had an interesting week. As you all know, Bethany had our first baby girl Monday morning. Tuesday night we had another first. Isaiah crawled up on one of our dining room chairs to put dada's phone back and fell off of the chair, gashing his nose open on a board that was sticking our from the wall. After taking him to the ER at Armstrong Hospital, they thought it best to send him to Children's Hospital for a plastic surgeon to stitch it. My dad was able to go with me and we were there from about 10:00pm till 3:00am. It was a long night. So now he has a big gash on his nose that looks better than it did when it happened. Thank the Lord that His hand has been upon us this week. Isaiah is back to his normal self and Chloe is enjoying being a part of the family and getting to know her brother. Her personality is way more calm than Isaiah's was at her age and dad and mom are enjoying getting to cuddle her for long periods of time. Isaiah even enjoys getting in a quick cuddle every now and then. But only real quick because he has things to accomplish. Praise the Lord.

It has been a long week. I still can't believe that it is already Thursday. But thank the Lord that we are slowly getting back into a routine schedule in the morning. I look forward to seeing and celebrating with everyone this Sunday.

1 comment:

Holly said...

congratulations to you all! your daughter is beautiful! praying for you entire family as you adjust to being four!

God Bless You even more!
the Waddings