Thursday, March 20, 2008

Turning Point

Last night, something was said and it stirred in my spirit. I had to take time to confess and repent this morning to the Lord for not being faithful in prayer. You see, in our bulletin is a list of prayer requests each week. I have gone up and down with remembering to pray and then forgetting to pray for those requests months at a time. Last night I was stirred in my spirit because that is a simple task that I can do as a brother in Christ that could open the doors to greater possibilities. I have been a hypocrite for wanting us to all pray and then not praying myself. I confess this and ask for your forgiveness.

I believe that today is a turning point for me in this. I really felt the love of God explode into my heart this morning as I repented for my laziness and hypocrisy. When I took time to pray for the list today, I just felt great zeal as I went through the list. It was a wonderful time.

I had been seeking the Lord because I felt like something wasn't right in my life. He showed me that priorities had gotten all out of whack. Today, He is leading me in reestablishing what is important in life, family, and church family. It's always Jesus first, others second, and me third.

Another thought that came out of last night was that there are so many things that the Bible mentions for Christians to do to be more like Jesus, that if we were busying our selves in doing them, we wouldn't have time to hate, gossip, slander, etc. Powerful thought.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! that is so true.

Debby F. said...

Hi PC!

Great message! Thanks for your candid approach. It means so much.

Happy Easter!