Thursday, January 29, 2009

Be Careful Little Eyes...

I watched a video sent to me by Chuck King yesterday. It was very good. The one part that challenged me was how we watch garbage on T.V. and in movies, then we come to church to pray for revival. Now I am not saying you can't watch T.V. or movies, but (and I want to emphasize the but) we need to guard our minds. How can we pray for God to do a great work in our lives when we continually let garbage fill it. We must guard our eyes and what they see, our feet and where they go. It is a song that a lot of kids learn when they are children. But it is something we think we can grow out of when we get older.
We can never grow out of guarding what comes into our hearts and minds. Our minds need to be filled with the Word of God so we can combat the enemy. To many times though, the only thing we can spit out in times of trouble are doubts and fears because it's all we know. Check this video out by Casting Crowns (this is not the video I was sent) and let me know what you think. I know I've been challenged even more so to guard what my eyes see because I have two sets of little eyes watching me and what I watch. Heaven forbid I lead them astray by what I do. (Check out Matthew 18) Be challenged.

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