Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm Still Here...

Well, in case you thought I shriveled into nothingness from the fast, I am still here. I just didn't have a chance to sit down and type up my final thoughts till now.

What a wonderful week of fighting my fleshly desires for nourishment to press into Jesus more. At the beginning of the week, all I could think about was the day I would get to eat a burger and fries. All week long my thoughts would run to that every now and then. (Especially when I went to Wendy's to get my wife and son something to eat before church last Wednesday.) But when I finally got to the end of my fast, (I ate chicken noodle soup Thursday night because of having a basketball game on Friday and not knowing if their would be adverse conditions to eating lunch and then riding on a school bus to Deer Lakes) food wasn't that important. I went to Wendy's for lunch on Friday and it wasn't what I expected it would be on Monday. As much as I love food, it just didn't meet the expectations I had for it to meet. When we take something away from ourselves for awhile, we actually see what it is. Then we can refocus on who Jesus is and just how great and awesome He is.

I had put so much emphasis on food and pop in my life that they had really begun to control me. I still like eating and drinking pop but they don't have the same hold on me as they did. My expectations are on what is God going to do because He is greater than food or drink. It was a great disciplining week and I pray that throughout this year I will take time to continue to excercise the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting. May God truly answer the prayers that were prayed as we sought His face throughout the week. Amen.

I was also encouraged by the response of everyone who fasted. People at all different points of the spiritual journey, took time to pray and fast. God is truly uniting this church in new ways. Look out! 2008 is not going to be the same.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I See the End is Near...

WOW, God is getting me through this week. Yesterday, I felt okay, despite not eating for 4 days. It's funny how our minds are trained to think that we need whatever it is we are fasting from. Yes, we do need some nourishment to stay alive, but going without for a time isn't going to kill us.

In the Scriptures, Jesus tells His disciples to "beware of the yeast of the Pharisee's." Back in the Bible times, when it was time for Passover, the Israelites would get rid of any yeast products and sweep the entire house clean of yeast. Today we can look at yeast as the things of this world, whether that be teachings, beliefs, things we do, how we act, etc. Jesus was telling His disciples to beware of the stuff the Pharisee's were trying to get everyone to believe because it was not something that a consecrated person should grab a hold of in their lives.

Today, there is some much yeast that we let slip into our lives that we do not look like the consecrated people Jesus wants for us to be. In Exodus, when God performed His miraculous signs, Israel did not see any harm come to them. There was a distinction between Egypt and Israel. Where is the distinction today? What gets into our minds, eventually ends up in our hearts, and can shape us in a very negative way. This time of fasting has been a way to sweep away the yeast of this world and get ourselves focused on Jesus. Maybe as we continue on through the weeks, we should begin fasting, or should I say getting rid, of other things in our lives that do more harm than good. Food isn't bad in itself, as long as it doesn't run your life. But what about TV, books, magazines, internet viewing, etc. that can lead to wasted time, not to mention dangerous thoughts? The soft porn, the everyone gets a divorce or has an affair, the it's alright to not get along with others, that we see on TV and read in books and magazines. This is what can affect us in our daily lives. I'm not saying that TV, books, magazines, internet, are evil. I'm only saying that these things can be a means of pollution. They have elements of yeast in them. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:6, "a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." Think about it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Read and Think...

Paul Grabill, pastor of a church in state college and assistant superintendant of the Penn-Del District, had this story on his blog. He was asking what people thought about it. What do you think?

Day Three has Come and Gone...

This was a great learning day for me. I actually began to think so much about food that I felt sorry for myself. Then when I went home and smelled the aroma of what Bethany was cooking for her and Isaiah, I was consumed even more with food. When I got to prayer last night, I began to talk to someone who is fasting and has to work with food for a living, their a chef. Talk about temptations everyday, compared to my one hour of aroma temptation. They shared with me that they had been getting through each day because they knew there is something greater than food and His name is Jesus. I was ashamed. I had taken my focus off of Him and put it onto food, even though in my mind I was trying not to do that.

The desire for the things of this world are great within all of us. Food dominates our lives. I'm not saying we don't need food, but it can consume us. Just like everything else that we might be fasting from. These things consume us and become our greatest desires. When in reality, Jesus wants to be our greatest desire. The desire for Jesus should consume us instead of the desire for food, recreation, or whatever. Then comes the delicate balance of keeping healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. But it all must start with a greater desire for Jesus.

May we all realize what our desires are, confess and repent if our greatest desire is not Jesus, and ask Him for strength to turn things around. Don't miss out on what He has for you just because you are so focused on the things around you. Become the spiritual being that Jesus created you to be.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

End of Day Two... Complications, Complications

Yesterday ended day two of the fast. For me, it was a real struggle. Satan knows when we are trying to pursue God and he will do whatever he can to get to you. First off, I wanted to go to noon time prayer at Cornerstone, Bethany needed the car to go to work so I said I would take the church van. It had been a tiring start to the day and I needed that prayer time with other believers to be encouraged. Only trouble was... the van wouldn't start. It has been sitting to long and just would not turn over. I went to pray by myself in the sanctuary and that was a struggle to stay focused. But I looked forward to gathering with everyone in the evening.

Then came the other problem. I got back from my basketball game and came down to the church and got all the lights on and the doors unlocked. Then I received... the phone call. Normally phone calls are good, especially when I looked and seen it was Bethany. I answered it and she proceeded to tell me that the keys were locked in the car and we only have one set. Talk about frustration. I headed over to Tony Roman's to get a "slim jim" and then headed to the YMCA in Kittanning to see if I could get into my car. After about 15 minutes or so, I finally had a guy help me get the slim jim in and unlock my power doors. The worst part about the whole ordeal was that I got frustrated at Bethany.

Fasting brings out the worst in us. "In us" is the part I want to focus on. What comes out as we fast, is what God wants to change in us. We rely so much on worldly things that we don't truly rely on Jesus and that is when we get frustrated at stupid things like locking keys in a car. I felt terrible that I had gotten frustrated at Bethany and I still do. But this is something I need to pray through so that by God's grace it doesn't happen again.

So what is coming out of you as you fast? Anger and frustration or more of the fruits of the Spirit? I pray that as we continue on the answer will be more of the fruits of the Spirit. This is where God is molding and shaping us.

Have your way Lord as a refiners fire, bringing the dross to the surface and scraping it away. May we truly reflect You as we continue in our fast. Amen.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Fasting Journey has Begun!

It has been one day since many of us began fasting. And I have to say that I am encouraged by the response of those who have taken this challenge. I'm also encouraged because this is the first time I ever got through the first day without complaining about not eating and getting frustrated because I can not. God has something for me and for all of us as we seek Him this time. Last night as we met for prayer, remember we will meet for prayer every night from 7-8pm, people prayed and we all agreed that we didn't want this to be another time of fasting and prayer but a time where we truly grab ahold of what God has for us. And I believe He is going to do great things as we seek Him. Please be encouraged to write down what God is saying to you and share it with me and with others. You can comment me on here or give me a call. Let's take it one day at a time for Jesus!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Ordination Interview

Sorry it has taken me so long to get a blog up about my ordination interview, no internet access at Chris Fox's house.  First, I want to thank everyone for their prayers.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  (Other than Isaiah was very mischievous and threw my cell phone in a pitcher of water.  But it still works.)  I knew people were praying because I felt at ease.  Especially when I walked in and saw Chris Clark, who I know because his son was my roommate at VFCC, and Jim Tracey, a guy from our section that I've gotten to know through the years.  Add to is Brother Tourville who used to pastor NLC and it wasn't as intimidating as I thought it was going to be.  I just talked about what God was doing in my life, my family, and the NLC.  It was all about what God has laid on my heart as a pastor.  And the questions that they asked Bethany, she answered very well.  The one guy even said she was gregarious which means sociable, out-going, friendly.  Thank God for His calling upon each of us.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Please be Praying...

Bethany, Isaiah, and I are heading to the District Office later today for my ordination interview which is tomorrow, Thursday at 2:30pm. Please be praying for us as we travel and answer the questions that we are asked. Pray that the Lord would guide us during this time and that we would be transparent letting what God has placed on our hearts come out. Thank you.

Slow Down, Seek God, Learn the Facts...

Genesis 39:2-6, 16-20
2 The LORD was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. 3 When his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD gave him success in everything he did, 4 Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned. 5 From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the LORD blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the LORD was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field. 6 So he left in Joseph's care everything he had; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.

16 She kept his cloak beside her until his master came home. 17 Then she told him this story: "That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me. 18 But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house."
19 When his master heard the story his wife told him, saying, "This is how your slave treated me," he burned with anger. 20 Joseph's master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king's prisoners were confined.

This passage stuck out to me the other day as I was reading the Bible. The story takes place in the house of Potiphar. Potiphar was enjoying the blessing of the Lord on everything he had, and he knew it was because of Joseph. So he did not concern himself with anything that Joseph was over. Now here comes Potiphar's wife. She tries to seduce Joseph but he resists. While running out of the house, she grabs ahold of his cloak and he leaves it behind so that he can get away. Angry at what just happened, she devises a story that she tells the other servants and ultimately to her husband that accuses Joseph of trying to seduce her.

Now if you were Potiphar what would your response be? Keep in mind, you are experiencing unbelievable blessings because of Joseph.

Somewhere in there Potiphar forgets all of that, believes his wife, and has Joseph jailed. Now I am not saying that we shouldn't believe our wives, but don't you think finding out the whole story would be better. It seems that our whole lives are based around snap decisions that can hurt those around us. One person tells us there side, we believe them, and begin to hate the other person. What if the other person didn't really do what they were accused of? It can lead to many people being hurt for no reason at all, if we would have taken our time, prayed about it, and tried to learn all of the facts. There are a lot of hurt people out there that don't need to feel the hurt and pain that they feel, if people like us would watch what we believe and not form opinions so quickly.

How do you think Potiphar felt in a few years when he hears that Joseph is in charge of Egypt behind Pharaoh?

So let's cut down the gossip. Quit making snap decisions. And learn to let God lead us. It is the difference between healthy and hurting Christians.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Prayer and Fasting

Next Sunday January 20, we will start our 5 day prayer and fasting time that will end Friday January 25. Each night the church will be open at 7:00 pm so that we can gather together for worship and prayer. I am excited about this and what God will speak into each and everyone of our lives. I was reminded from a blog from Pastor Jeff Leake that in prayer and fasting, we are TURNING AWAY from something and TURNING TO God. We need to make sure that we are not just turning away from something but that we are taking extra time to turn to God. Begin now to prepare your body and mind to do the fast. Let this also be a time of self-discipline so that we can become better caretakers of this earthly body.

I believe this is a going to be a great year of breakthrough for NLC and for Ford City, Kittanning, and Armstrong County. We as a church want to begin this year getting our hearts focused on the Lord and not turning back. Doors are going to be open as we begin to pray and seek God more earnestly. Souls will be saved as we take time to cry out to God for each person on our heart. And I believe that we will begin to walk in greater anointing and power so that we will see signs and wonders. I don't know about you, but I am hungry for the power of the Spirit that transforms lives, to do His thing in my life and in all of our lives.

Let's get ready to seek Him with hearts full of expectancy of what He is going to do as we pray and fast. Remember, set goals of what you want to pray for this coming week. As a body, I want us to be praying for peace and prosperity for this area and for salvation for the lost.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Valuable Lesson Learned...

My thoughts on Mary and Martha have been challenged and changed this week. I'm reading a book by Bill Johnson called "Face to Face with God." On page 119 he brings out a point that I had come to believe. Maybe you have heard it said that nothing would ever get done if we didn't have any Martha's in the world? I had heard that saying and had fallen for it. Bill Johnson points out that, "This teaching comes mostly from Martha's who are intimidated by the lifestyle of Marys. Mary wasn't a non-worker. Rather she was beginning to be like her Master, who only did what He saw the Father do. Jesus was talking, so Mary set aside other distractions and sat down to listen. She didn't get caught up in making the sandwiches that Jesus didn't order. She was learning that working from His presence is much more effective than working for His presence."

Lord, forgive me, because I had come to believe that working was how you gain favor. Yes, it was nice to sit at Jesus' feet but if there were things that needed to be done, then they should be done first. I sometimes would even get upset when people would say about sitting at Jesus' feet when I saw that things needed to be done. Oh how wrong I was. This belief gets us off track and we begin to try and earn God's favor and others favor instead of just walking in it. Jesus never ordered any sandwiches, though Martha let it become a distraction that kept her from sitting and listening to Jesus.

I let so many things become a distraction in my life even though Jesus never ordered any of it. I have even taken it into my marriage where I think that getting everything done is more important that just being with my family. It's my way of earning favor and the opportunity to say, "Look at what I did." (There's some selfishness and pride.) I can tend to get upset when things are not done and instead of spending time with Bethany and Isaiah, I will spend time doing everything that I think needs done. Yes, we need to take care of what God has given us but we should never pay a price, such as our relationship with Jesus or our family, in order to take care of it. To be a disciple is to sit at Jesus' feet and learn from Him. To not try and earn favor but to walk in the favor that is already there. I must learn how to balance everything in my life.

Bill Johnson mentions later how he has implemented in his own life quiet time where he gets alone with God and just lets God love him. He doesn't bring petitions or requests, only a reverent awe of who God is. I am asking God to help me discipline myself in this way in my relationship with Him but also in my other relationships with my family and friends. I do not want to be driven by getting things done as much as I want to be driven by the Holy Spirit in accomplishing His purposes.

I believe learning this is a big part of me knowing God more no matter the cost this year. Maybe it is something you need to learn?

Lord, forgive me of my Martha attitude. I do not need to earn Your favor, or Bethany's, or anyones. I simply need to walk in the favor that You have already given me because of Your great love. Continue to change me from the inside out as I pursue knowing You more this year, no matter the cost. Amen.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Goal Setting

I read a post from Jeff Leake that was very challenging to me. You can check out his blog here. In the blog he talks about setting goals for yourself for the year but also for your life. He gives you the opportunity to check out Mark Batterson's blog on his top 100 life goals he has set for himself. Reading through the goals he has set for his life hit me like a ton of bricks. As Christians, we are not to just run aimlessly around, like a dog chasing our tails. We can set goals for ourselves to achieve. The only problem is that we can not let accomplishing the goals drive us through our lives. They are just goals that we have set that through Jesus Christ we hope to achieve. Check out Mark Batterson's goals here.

Let us all be challenged to set goals for ourselves as individuals and as a church. It can go along with naming your year. Whatever you named your year, set goals to help you pursue that. I am going to sit down and pray about some goals that I have for myself and the church and I will list them a little later.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

What is Written

1 Corinthians 4:6 NKJV
...that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written...

Last night during our Wednesday night Bible study, we were led to this scripture as we discussed 1 Corinthians 4. The major point being that we as Christians should not go beyond what is written. What is written? Scripture. What the Bible says is how we need to live. The problem lies in us going beyond scripture. This is why we argue and fight amongst ourselves. It is why one pastor is lifted up above another pastor. It is why we don't have power in the church today because we go beyond what scripture says and in some cases blatantly refuse to obey what scripture says. I recently read a blog from Paul Grabill where he briefly mentioned John 17 and how can we call ourselves Christians and go against what Christ prayed earnestly for: the unity of believers. But we lack unity because we go beyond scripture.

As we have just begun this new year, may we begin to live according to scripture. And where we do not line up with scripture, I pray that Jesus would let His Word, His Word that is active and living and sharper than any double-edged sword, begin to cut away those things in our lives that are beyond scripture. May His Word penetrate every fiber of our being so that we might experience His power, glory, and might.

Let's fix the problems in our lives and the church by getting back to what is written in HIS Word!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 is Here...

Well everyone, it's here. 2008 has officially arrived and is full of blank pages that, I pray, we let God fill in. Do not let the unknown fill you with worry or fear. Let's embrace it with enthusiasm and faith that God will use us all in a powerful way in seeing miracles and salvation come to this area. Let's undertake to grow spiritually through intense prayer times, disciplining our bodies through fasting, locking our senses into the Word of God, and great expectancy on the Holy Spirit to lead us through the day. Hold me accountable as I look to hold you accountable. May we come to the end of 2008 looking at the great story God has written into our lives as we seek Him like never before.